Poor Behavior

Fall River Man Plays Victim After Filming, Harassing, And Antagonizing Bellingham Dunkins Employees For Not Making Him A Priority After Messing Up His $3 Sandwich


This is Brandon Pryor from Fall River.

The other day he went into a Dunkins in Bellingham after ordering his sandwich online, and he was very upset because his sandwiches weren’t made “proper.” When the manager didn’t immediately drop everything she was doing and ignore other customers to rectify this injustice he began filming her so he could shame and dox her on Facebook for this unspeakable crime.

If there was any doubt who the bad guy was in this situation you need only watch the first video.


“What’s your name for Facebook?”

Anyone who’s immediately inclination is to film, harass, dox, brag about, and lecture a bunch of minimum wage employees about how you’re going to post a video of you berating them on Facebook because they made your sandwich wrong is a c you next Tuesday of epic proportions.

“Your work is manager. Customers come first.”

Bruh, she’s making food for customers as you wrote this.

She was literally putting customers first. It’s a three dollar sandwich that she’ll fix for you when she’s done. Calm your poon.

“This is the 10th time they’ve messed up my order.”

If they messed up your order 9 times previously and you still kept going to this Dunkin when there’s a Dunkin at every corner in New England, then you deserve to have an improperly made $3 sandwich.

He started to target the woman at the end of that video and began filming again. Granted, this woman could best be described as quite rugged, seems like the type who probably knows at least a dozen people who have been featured in a Turtleboy blog, and uses some language that definitely is not taught in the training manual, but I’m still on her side.

“You wanna say that to Facebook too?”

“I will say that to Facebook too. You’re f***ing broke cuz you’re crying over a f***ing wrap b****.”

Boom. Roasted.

D Cup Desiree put you in a body bag bro. You’re not some sort of VIP because you ordered your $3 microwaved sandwich online. And she was absolutely correct – you’re a broke ass bitch who can’t afford to buy food at a real breakfast place. You acted ghetto towards her and you’re mad that she emasculated you while speaking in the only language you understand.

“You’re losing your job, this is going straight to corporate.”

Uhoh, Captain Karengaroo is going to corporate because the human beings he was antagonizing on camera called him out on his shenanigans. How will she ever recover?

“Is this the type of workers you hire?”

Yes, it is. Because it’s Dunkins. You didn’t go out to eat at the Seaport. Your broke ass went to Dunkins, ordered their mediocre frozen food, and then cried like a baby when it wasn’t up to your high Fall River standards. Stay mad.

Anyway, I did a Google search for Brandon and this is the first thing that came up.

No clue if this is true, but maybe don’t throw stones if you live in glass houses. Just sayin.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries