Law and Order

Fall River Man Skips Court Date For Killing Elderly Woman While Driving On Heroin Months After Burning Down Parents Home And Fundraising Off It


This is Keith Brown from Fall River.

Barry Big Mac was driving around Hopkinton, RI on Halloween while high as a kite when he crashed into another car and killed an 88 year old woman. He was supposed to show up in court last week but never did and is now missing.


Well, I’ll tell you one thing – Neckzilla is gonna have a tough time staying hidden. When that dude played hide and seek as a kid he just stood in the middle of a room and hope they came for him last.

I know one place he won’t be though – his parents’ house. That’s because according to his family he burnt that mother down and killed their pets while house sitting on a drug fueled bender.

That didn’t stop him from trying to cash in.

Unfortunately he has also reproduced with this woman.

But he does have his defenders on the HPD Facebook page. Well, at least one person.

“He’s a person, and so is the person he hurt.”

So WAS the person he KILLED.

Anyway, I’m guessing this dude is dead if they haven’t found him yet. It’s not like he can run or remain inconspicuous. Plus, it was only a matter of time until cholesterol and heroin declared war on his body anyway, so his days were numbered to begin with. But if you’ve seen him, which you’ll know if there’s suddenly an explained solar eclipse, contact the cops to let them know so he doesn’t kill anyone else.



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