Poor Behavior

Family Member Defends Springfield Teacher On Leave After Text Messages Reveal Sexual Relationship With Student 


This is Springfield High School of Science & Technology teacher Alexander Diaz.

Yesterday he was outed on Facebook for sexting with a student, and according to school officials he is now under investigation.


It began with this post, which initially called him an “assistance principle,” after the girl’s parents found messages on her phone.

The teacher seems to admit to smacking her in the ass at school, and says he was lucky no one was around to see it.

The text messages go back for months.

He used an emoji to tell her to keep it on the down low, can’t spell “you’re,” uses the n word freely, and allowed her to take videos of him in school.

Apparently the teacher’s niece saw the post and didn’t like that her uncle was being called out for having a sexual affair with a student.

According to El Fupacabra and her friends there is nothing wrong with a teacher having sex with a student, so long as she is of legal age.

Newsflash – you can’t be a teacher if you’re banging your roster, and you shouldn’t go into teaching if you’re doing it to meet big bottomed chicks. This isn’t complicated.



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