Fox 25’s Crystal Haynes Glorifies Monica Cannon-Grant, Suggests Peaceful Protesters Were Racist, Doesn’t Mention Man Featured Threatened To Shoot Us

This is Fox 25 News “reporter” Crystal Haynes.
She was one of the “invited” media that was allowed to cover Monica Cannon-Grant’s opening ceremony for the free building she was given in Hyde Park by the city to run her unregistered non-profit out of. I was there yesterday with Congressional candidate Rayla Campbell to peacefully protest for black lives and against the systemic racism that has elevated Monica Cannon-Grant. During our protest several gang members showed up and threatened to murder the 6 peaceful protesters who bravely stood with me on the front lines.
Crystal Haynes was invited because she agreed to write a puff piece that promoted the biggest racist in Boston.
She made no mention of this in her story, nor did she mention that Rachael Rollins and City Councillor Lydia Edwards were not there because they have publicly denounced MCG. She also made very little mention of the peaceful protesters outside, which seems odd because the ceremony was moved indoors on a beautiful day specifically because of us. We were blaring MCG’s racist words on a loud speaker so it was impossible for any reporter who wanted to efficiently tell the story of what happened yesterday to not mention it.
Instead we got this:
From sometimes controversial activist to organizer and non-profit CEO, Monica Cannon-Grant’s work has always been centered on her passion for keeping her community safe.After more than a year of planning, donations and volunteer labor, the Violence in Boston Social Impact Center opened to the public this Labor Day. Boston 25 spoke with Cannon-Grant last March when the space was still raw. Now, it’s home to a food bank, recording studio and job resource and after school center. Artists from across Boston donated their time to create elaborate murals.
“The work that Monica’s doing is not only work, it’s personal,” said former Boston City Councilor Tito Jackson. “It’s her family and it’s her community which she’s put on her shoulders.”
Violence in Boston Inc. started as a Facebook page posting incidents of violent crime in Cannon-Grant’s neighborhood and grew to large scale protests for safer streets and the movement for Black lives. Recently they provided tens of thousands of meals to families in Dorchester, Roxbury and Mattapan and worked with the families of victims of police violence to pass legislation banning chokeholds and other potentially deadly practices.
While speeches were delivered from elected leaders and activists, including Garner, a small group of protesters stationed themselves outside the center, a reminder of the conflict Cannon-Grant says she often faces in her work.
“I’m an activist and a Black activist and that means not everybody’s happy when you’re screaming Black Lives Matter, not everybody is happy with you telling the truth,” said Cannon-Grant. “But that’s how I got here.”
If you weren’t there and you read this story you’d think that six racist people showed up to yell at a black woman for feeding the homeless.
“Not everybody is happy with you telling the truth.”
But wait, I thought she was sorry for quotes like these.
If she was just “telling the truth” then she’s not really sorry. I guess it’s OK to threaten to blow someone’s head off and accuse them of riding white penis for a credit score because they had the audacity to be in an interracial relationship.
Crystal Haynes also failed to mention the fact that gang members showed up on Monica’s behalf and threatened to shoot six peaceful protesters, forcing us to leave early.
One of those men who flashed us with the international symbol for “I’m strapped” was standing behind Monica during her speech and acting as her muscle.
In her video Monica called out black men for not blowing Rayla Campbell and her supporters heads off. This woman inspires the sort of violent threats directed at us yesterday. They were doing her bidding. She specifically called for them to do this, and suggested that they were not black if they did not protect black women by threatening to kill people supporting a black woman.
But yet reporters who make a conscious choice not to report this news are rewarded with Emmy’s in today’s media.
And City Councillor’s like Julia Mejia continue to support and amplify this sort of hate speech.
So great to be among family in celebration of the grand opening @ProRockThrower
of @ViolenceNBoston Social Impact Center. Today the community showed up in support of a woman who continues to give so much of herself to help others. It's incredibly awe-inspiring to witness growth!— Julia Mejia (@juliaforboston) September 7, 2020
This is what institutional racism actually looks like. A racist woman gets propped up by a complicit media and a complicit government and is allowed to spew violent racist threats at people because she’s black and thus is allowed to. This is why I laugh every time I’m told that systemic racist a real thing that benefits white people. Clearly it does not, as the systems are all controlled by people who think like MCG.
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