Franklin Baxley Is Back In Jail For Trafficking Fentanyl 4 Months After Taunting Me About Attleboro Dog Park Racial Discrimination Lawsuit

In January we published a blog about a convicted felon named Franklin Baxley, who somehow got the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination to find probable cause in his frivolous complaint against the City of Attleboro, alleging racial discrimination when he harassed and filmed a woman at a dog park in 2019.
A state investigator has found probable cause that a Black man was racially discriminated against during an incident at the city dog park in 2019. The finding comes after an investigation into a complaint to the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination filed by Franklin Baxley of Pawtucket against the city and a volunteer working at the park. A conciliation conference is scheduled Jan. 4 in an effort to reach an amicable settlement in the matter. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute, the commission will schedule a public hearing and listen to testimony made under oath.
This was ridiculous since Franklin Baxley is a well known drug dealer, disbarred attorney, and race baiting con-artist who was arrested a week after we exposed him for selling heroin (and went to jail for 18 months), and orchestrated an attack on a drug addicted woman he pimped out who owed him drug money.
Franklin taunted me with the news on Facebook messenger, claiming to get the last laugh.
But it’s going to be hard for Franklin to have the last laugh now because he’s being held without bail in a Rhode Island jail cell after being charged with 14 counts of manufacturing and conspiring to sell drugs, including fentanyl and steroids.
A state agency allowed this man to pretend he was the victim during an incident that he provoked, as he harassed two women at a dog park and ruined their reputation’s online.
Our sources tell us that Franklin and his most recent baby mama were with their newborn baby when they were arrested. Somehow he got custody, despite the fact that he was banned from the hospital when the baby was born because the egg donor was addicted to drugs when she gave birth.
So that kid lucked out, and hopefully he never has to see Franklin Baxley again. Hopefully the City of Attleboro doesn’t settle with this maggot to save money on litigation fees. Every penny is worth it to keep this waste of space from collecting a penny of taxpayer money.
I’d invite Franklin on the Live Show again to cry about how he’s the victim of racism, but it will be difficult because, ya know, he’s incarcerated.