Poor Behavior

Gloucester Only Fans Disney Mom And Cuck Husband Move To Florida With 4 Kids To Live Glamorous Life As Influencers While Getting Evicted And Engaging In Domestic Violence

Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (40:15)

This is Jordan-Leigh Beal and her husband Corey.


She got knocked up when she was 14 by her high school boyfriend, then went on to start dating Corey when she was 18 and has gone on to fire four out more uterus utes with him. He agreed to move to Florida with her several years ago so she could be closer to Disney and pursue her dream of becoming a Disney princess Mom influencer (not kidding).

Princess Jizzmine is a self-described social media influencer (AKA unemployed) who makes money e-begging online by selling her persona as a fun, hot mom who likes to put her kids in cute Tik Toks. She has hundreds of thousands of followers on various social media platforms where she makes money by getting thirsty men on the Internet to give her money for spank bank material. Upon the advice of her Internet influencer agent (who is very real), she also launched an Only Fans.

Corey plays the role of the subservient cuck husband, who realizes he has married out of his league and makes up for it by emasculating himself by taking on traditionally female domestic roles, and essentially acting as the pimp for his wife’s Only Fans noodz.




Except her Tik Toks all have her children in them, so the same creepy bros who are wanking it to her get to comment on photos of the children after cleanup is done.

As a full time influencer Princess Jizzmine is able to home school her kids, looks down on parents who send their children to public schools, and is a breast feeding superstar who doesn’t shut off the Gerber servers lactation tap until her children are old enough to work in an iPhone sweatshop.

Beauty and the Queef are looking to go full Gabby Petito and buy an RV so they can document themselves going to Disney theme parks with solicited money they get paid for existing.

She’s also an Internet lingerie model whose goal is to make it onto Playboy (that’s still a thing I guess), but needs you to pay money to vote for her and give money to abortion, or something.

She also does stuff like this, which totally does NOT sound like a scam.


But what Princess Jizmine doesn’t post on her various social media channels is that she left her oldest child in Massachusetts with the baby daddy. Instead she pretends that Cuckleberry Foreskin raised the girl because he was excited about raising someone else’s crotch fruit.

Jordan frequently bad mouths her oldest daughter’s baby daddy on social media for pity, claiming that their child is the product of rape, and alleging that her daughter’s maternal grandmother tried to trick her into getting an abortion against her will by telling her it was a doctor’s appointment. She claims that Corey now acts as the girl’s father, when in fact the girl reportedly lives in Gloucester, while simultaneously alleging that baby daddy #1 is in contempt by not bringing their daughter to Orlando.

She gives the impression that she’s some sort of wild success story, living this ultra glamorous life in Florida, and signing “multiple contracts” to advertise for different companies.

She also seems to have a different sickness every other month that has her on death’s door, which she then uses to elicit pity. This week it was autism.



She also is a fitness influencer who accidentally shared the same image of herself looking like an Aushwitz pinup model in a post about having an eating disorder, and then in a separate post about fitness.



Here’s the thing though – part of the reason they moved to Florida is because no one like her in Gloucester and she cheated on Cuck Boy with some guy whose wife ended up putting her on blast on Facebook. Now she constantly posts about how awesome her life is while mocking the people in Gloucester who weren’t successful enough to leave the beach town community.


Earlier in the week we were tagged several times in a post made by a Gloucester woman named Alexandra, accusing Princess Jizzmine of being extremely rude and condescending after reaching out to her for advice about how to make money doing nothing.

But instead of offering her advice she told the girl from back home that you can’t just become a Tik Tok e-begger or Only Fans hooker. It takes years of “hard f***ing work” and a marketing degree. Plus the other girl was allegedly mean to her a long time ago, so Princess Jizzmine wouldn’t be dispensing her secrets to her.

Princess Jizzmine reminded the woman that she would never be as rich and famous as her because she still lives in Gloucester, and there was only room for one success story from Gloucester.

She then blamed the woman for nearly driving her to suicide and told her that she was too ugly to start an Only Fans.

“Do you know who I am?”

Yea, you’re the teen Mom who left your kid behind so you could be a Disney Internet whore with your pet cuck husband in Florida.

Turns out Princess Jizzmine is also an “internationally published model with over 20 years experience,” despite not turning 30 yet.

The post led to hundreds of people coming forward with similar stories, further solidifying the theory that she fled Gloucester because she was the most hated person on the north shore since they stopped burning witches in Salem. Princess Jizzmine wasn’t worried though.


Largely because Cuckleberry Foreskin dutifully did his job by showing up in the comments to defend his Internet hooker wife’s honor, while encouraging people to join her Only Fans and Tik Tok.

In one of the most cringeworthy cuck moves ever, Corey also announced that he loves when other men pay to wank it to his wife.

“I’m the only one who gets to have her.”

Sure you are dude. Sure you are.

Cuckleberry Foreskin seems to have voluntarily cut off all of his friends and family at the demand of his “hot wife,” who won’t allow him to meet new spouses and babies of family members.

It got so bad that even Cuckleberry Foreskin’s Mom showed up to dunk on him.

She’s not allowed to talk to her son on account of Princess Jizzmine threatened her.

Imagine allowing your Internet whore wife to treat your mother like that and still calling yourself a man?

But here’s the thing – the image they portray as a loving, happy, and rich influencer family is just a mirage. Despite claiming to make a six figure salary they can’t figure out how to pay their rent.


And part of being the cuck husband means that sometimes you have to go to jail for domestic assault and battery domestic violence when your wife starts beating you up because she’s mad you smoked a cigarette and you try to lock her in the bathroom for your own protection, even though she regularly smokes cigarettes too.

The moral of the story here is that being an influencer isn’t a job, the image people present of themselves on the Internet usually hides ugly parts about their reality, and having a good looking wife isn’t worth it if she’s a narcissistic psychopath who makes you abandon your family and become her online pimp cuckboy in order to keep having sex with her.


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