GM Of Old Mill Pub In Maine Caught On Film Upskirting Teenage Girl Filling Out Application

Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (1:37:10)
You don’t have a right to privacy in public, and anyone can take a picture of you at any time. But “upskirting” (discreetly taking a picture below a person’s waste line in order to see their genitals or panties) is illegal in Massachusetts and some other states because there’s no expectation that you’re gonna have your snatch filmed when you go about your business around town. It’s just hard to prove, unless you get caught on camera like this man did:
His name is Eric Dore, and he lives in Skowhegan, Maine. His family owns the Old Mill Pub and he reportedly sells cars in town at a local dealership. The other day a teenage girl was filling out some sort of form on the back of a car (she may have been applying for a job at the Old Mill Pub) when Skeevy McGreevy snuck up behind her, bent down, took a picture looking up into her denin skirt, and threw the phone into the car (which presumably was his) without her noticing.
Bold move dude. Also creepy, perverted, and disgusting. But definitely bold.
My question is, why does he need to do this? There’s this thing called “porn” on the Internet. You can pretty much watch whatever nasty things get you off in the comforts of your home for free, and the people performing these acts are adults who are willfully getting paid to do it. Plus, they have no souls and their entire existence revolves around getting strangers off on the Internet. If you told people 100 years ago it would be this easy to masturbate they’d be cursing the Gods for being born 100 years too soon whilst stroking it to the fully clothed maiden in the mail order catalogue.
Guarantee it wasn’t his first time doing this either. That guy was an upskirting veteran, as the whole ordeal lasted 5 seconds. Clearly the person who took this video saw him doing it prior to this, which is why they started filming.
To make matters worse Eric Dore also has 4 children, all of whom are girls.
Not that he’d be any less of a scumbag if he didn’t have girls, but how can you do this to someone else’s daughter if you know what it’s like to raise four daughters?
Oh, and he also has a hot wife. Do you know how many guys out there would kill to have a wife gave birth to four kids and was still hot? This guy is one of a small percentage of married men with that luxury and he’s still out there upskirting teenagers for spank bank material.
This is Todd and Danielle Jones.
They run the the local community Facebook group, and just like 99% of the people who run pages like this they’re on a power trip from the very small amount of influence they wield in deciding what town issues are allowed to be discussed on the Internet. Today they posted an announcement that nobody would be allowed to talk about the local business owner who upskirts underage girls because his kids might see it and they don’t want to hurt his business.
“Feel free to join another group, this one is mine.”
God these people suck. Coincidentally they’re outspoken conservatives on social media and so is Eric Dore. So I guess if you wanna commit a crime in Skowhegan and you don’t want anyone to be allowed to criticize you, make sure you’re a parent, a business owner, or have the right political opinions.
Others have suggested that the business not be shamed because Eric is only a co-owner of the Old Mill Pub.
But Eric isn’t just some employee at the business, he’s the face of it. This restaurant gets tons of positive press in the media, and every time Eric is quoted in the story. The local newspaper wrote a story when the family first purchased the business:
The Dores said they will be the silent partners at the restaurant, cooking an occasional appetizer, baby-sitting their grandchildren and hostessing once in a while. Sons Patrick and his wife, Erin; Ben and his wife, Christen; Eric and his wife, Sarah; and Joshua will be the operating partners — The Dore Group LLC. Eric, 33, who lives in Windham, will be the general manager; Christen, 30, the bar manager; and Patrick, 31, who lives in South Portland, the finance manager.
The Old Mill Pub was featured on the town’s website, and once again interviewed Eric for comment. State Senator Brad Farrin bragged about his endorsement on his Facebook page, before removing the video today.
Oh, and Eric proudly put his daughter in the spotlight four years ago when she mistakingly called 9-1-1 and wrote an apology letter to the police at her father’s urging.
Still brings tears to my eyes.
— Eric Dore (@theericndore) August 8, 2020
Young girl accidentally calls 911, writes heartfelt apology letter to police
— WCVB-TV Boston (@WCVB) February 23, 2018
So basically you’re allowed to talk about Eric’s family and his relationship with the business when it’s positive and makes him look good, but when it’s negative and there’s something to warn the community about you can’t say anything because other people will be hurt.
Here’s a thought – maybe if you have 4 daughters like this you should think about how they’ll be affected by your behavior before you go around taking pictures of unsuspecting teenage girl’s private areas. It’s not their fault their Dad is like this, but he shouldn’t be allowed to use them as shields to hide behind either. Maine doesn’t appear to have any laws against upskirting, so a public shaming will have to do for now.