GoFundMe Shut Down Our Fundraiser For Legal Fees To Protect Abused Children In Court And Returned $14,500 In Donations
Editor’s Note: I will be addressing this an an emergency live show broadcast tonight at 9 PM on the YouTube channel explaining how I’m going to address what happened today. Click here to subscribe to our channel. In the meantime my attorney Marc Randazza has set up a trust in my name that all money will be protected for. Click here to donate.
Five days ago I started a GoFundMe for legal fees to help prevent a Rhode Island judge from granting a restraining order against my family that would force me to take down a blog exposing a dangerous predator who was accused by his two daughters of abusing them. Hundreds of people donated what they could in defense of free speech, but more importantly to stand up to a corrupt system that would silence the voices of abused children in order to protect their abuser. The GFM raised over $14,500 in just 5 days.
I was worried that it would be reported by trolls like Hamdia Ahmed, who wish to protect child abusers, and had urged mass reporting of the fundraiser. I attempted to withdraw the money within hours, and had it on daily withdrawal. However, on Thursday I was alerted that the account was under review and that I had to respond to an email from GoFundMe’s Trust and Safety Team in order to get in compliance. I never received an email so I contacted their support team via email and got this email back from someone named Mohit.
Mohit’s link told me to answer 4 questions in the story portion of the GFM, which I did in complete sentences:
However, I did not hear from them within 24 hours as they promised. I emailed them again, then today I got this email from Nick in Trust and Safety, telling me that I had “done an excellent job,” and asking me to explain where any extra money would go towards, which I did.
Around 6:30 the GoFundMe was shut down, all donations were refunded, and I got an email from Nick that was addressed to “GoFundMe customer,” instead of Aidan, indicating that it was likely automated. The email stated that “the content of your fundraiser falls under our prohibited conduct section.” No explanation was given, and $0 ended up in my bank account.
I will be addressing this an an emergency live show broadcast tonight at 9 PM on the YouTube channel explaining how I’m going to fight this. Click here to subscribe to our channel. Make no mistake – this is war with Silicon Valley, corrupt judges, and child abusers. And it’s a war I intend on winning. In the meantime my attorney Marc Randazza has set up a trust in my name that all money will be protected for. Click here to donate.
Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: