Governor Gina Raimondo Attends Wine And Painting Event At Bar After Shutting Down Gyms, Urging People To Stay Home, Health Secretary Tests Positive For COVID
Over the weekend Rhode Island’s Health Department Director Nicole Alexander-Scott tested positive for coronavirus, despite always having a mask on and lecturing other people about how to take precautions to avoid getting the virus. Governor Gina Raimondo claimed to be quarantining due to her close contact.
On December 7th Raimondo posted on Twitter, urging people to stay home except for “essential services,” and to wear a mask around non-family members.
The State’s guidelines call for a “pause,” on freedom, and specifically say that restaurants can’t offer “recreation or entertainment activities.”
“Restaurants may not operate any recreation or entertainment activities and must prevent access to any such areas on site”
Bar areas are also supposed to be closed in restaurants as part of these rules.
She has also closed gyms in the state, despite the fact that they are not places where the virus spreads, and already required masks and temperature checks upon entering. There are people protesting outside her house over it.
People outside of Gina Raimondo's house in Providence, RI right now protesting "make gyms essential"
— SOUND (@itsavibe) December 13, 2020
Despite the fact that she was aware that her health director has COVID, her guidelines tell people only to go out for essential services, her mandates require no entertainment activities, bar areas have to be closed, businesses are shut down, and you must socially distance yourself from non-family members, Gina went out on Friday night with her husband to a bar called Barnaby’s in Providence and was seen sitting at the bar, drinking wine without a mask on as part of a “paint and wine” event.
You’ll notice that the woman who was so thrilled to teach Gina how to paint while drinking wine has a black lives matter profile picture filter.
Because when you’re protesting for black lives matter you don’t have to follow the guidelines because you can’t spread COVID. Just ask Gina, who stood hand in hand with BLM protesters over the summer without a mask on.
She got caught again doing it in August at a store on Block Island.
Free people in a free country should have nothing but contempt for elected officials like this, and would actively revolt against them. But Gina Raimondo does this because she knows she has the population pacified. She is a democrat in a state where democrats cannot lose statewide election, therefore she can do whatever she wants without losing political capital. The comments every time this happens proves it:
People will line up to defend the honor of wealthy elitists who are taking away their civil liberties by lying to them and exaggerating how “unsafe” it is to go out in public, even when they are caught breaking their own rules. She wasn’t following her own guidelines, because painting while drinking wine is not “essential,” and the person helping her is not socially distancing. Someone close to her had COVID and she was out and about in an indoor environment breathing without a mask on.
But what really should upset you is that they arbitrarily decide what is and isn’t safe, despite having no scientific evidence to back them up. Wine and painting is the kind of activity that people of her social standing deem essential because they’re more likely to want to do it. Working out at the gym is not something she can relate to because she probably has a Peloton bike at her house. The gym is for meatheads who don’t understand science like her.
Meanwhile, the media is silent on this. As far as I’ve seen not a single mainstream media outlet has published the images, because they’re complicit in the fear mongering as well.
The reality is that Gina Raimondo is either:
a. Ignoring science and going out there spreading a dangerous virus, or
b. Doesn’t actually believe the virus is that scary, which is why she’s out to begin with
The answer of course is b. None of these people is scared of the virus, nor should they be. If they were then they’d never go out. They’re just enjoying all the praise they get for “saving lives” by coming up with arbitrary rules that shut down things they don’t like (gyms) while letting people do the things they do like (protest in large groups, wine and paint).
At this point any business owner who sees stuff like this and abides by the orders is a sucker who deserves everything they’re getting. Open up your business, be free, and live your life.
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