Grown Man And Emo Teens Ransack Milford Church, Film Themselves Smoking Blunts, Drinking Holy Water

WCVB: Four people broke into a Milford church early Friday morning, desecrating the building and stealing religious artifacts, police said. Investigators said the interior of St. Mary’s Church was ransacked. Doors were destroyed, stained glass was broken and offices were plundered. Several religious artifacts were taken and others were broken or thrown throughout the area, police said. Investigators identified the suspects as Michael Clifford, 21, and three juveniles whose names were not released due to their age. The four suspects face charges including malicious destruction of property, conspiracy and a civil rights violation. All four were held on $5,000 bail. Two of the three juveniles also face charges related to vandalism at the high school, police said.
The priest from St. Mary’s church is a better person than I am. That’s why he had this to say about the break-in:
“I want to condemn it, but I also don’t want them to be destroyed,” said Father Joyce. “God is a God of forgiveness.”
Unfortunately for these cretins, we won’t be as forgiving. Here’s the video of these lucifreaks drinking holy water, smoking blunts in the church, and just generally desecrating a church for the purposes of desecrating it…..
Now imagine someone did this to a mosque or a temple. It would be a hate crime. And I highly doubt these pagan pissants targeted the church as some sort of response to the latest controversy with diddling priests in Pennsylvania. They did it because they’re going through a phase where they wear all black clothing and capes, swear a lot, and think they’re rebelling. The girl shaved her head:
That’s all you need to know really.
Her name is Maddy Daigle, and if you go to her Facebook page she’s an uber-SJW. Any chick who shaves her head BY CHOICE is doing it for attention. There’s no other reason to do it. You’re trying to show the world that you’re some free spirit punk rock pinata. But at the end of the day you just want attention.
And make no doubt about it – based on her Facebook page it’s quite clear that the church was targeted because she’s some sort of atheist making a statement. I have no problem with atheists. Except for the cocky ones who think they’re so much smarter than all the sheep who believe in God. If you target a church because of your religious beliefs then it’s a hate crime.
Check out the way she talks to what appears to be her grandfather….
“Might be a while.”
If my kid ever talked like that they’d be in boot camp on Monday.
This is the 21 year old who is such a loser that he hangs out with high school kids who haven’t turned 18 yet:
His names Michael Clifford, and despite being of legal drinking age he chooses not to go out to bars because that would require having friends of your own age. Here’s what they did to Milford High School in June:
Except no one was raped. They did this as some sort of salute to a rapper I’ve never heard of. I remember when it happened the comments were filled with #MeToo bullshit:
“How do you know no one was raped?”
“Why are we so concerned about the vandalism but not concerned about what the message says?”
#MeToo logic: Someone spray painted it on a building. Therefore it must be true.
Maddy Daigle and her brother Sam are obviously shitheads and they didn’t end up like this on accident. This is parenting. If you know that your kids committed the first act of vandalism in June then put them in a cage or on a leash until they graduate.
Dad appears to be a union guy and is a big Trump supporter….
So maybe his goth princess is rebelling against him.
From what we are told the kids live with him because their mother, Tanya Naomi, is a complete f*** up. She’s not a regular mom, she’s a cool mom:
She might as well get “last call” tattooed on her forehead. Because that right there is what many a man at the local spoke have settled for when the lights came on and they decided it was preferable to Wendy’s and punching the clown.
Anyway, by current law these idiots should be charged with a hate crime. The fact of the matter is that if this was a mosque and a bunch of white skinheads trashed the place Maura Healey would’ve held a press conference by now and the candle vigil would be tonight at 6.