Haverhill EMT Tries To Solicit 14 Year Old Boy For Sex With Weed, Explains Graphic Role Playing Fantasies Including Being A Pediatrician

This is Justin Prescott, an EMT from Haverhill and the head of scheduling for Transformative Healthcare ambulance.
He’s also into fucking little boys, and is the latest catch for the Massachusetts Predator Poachers, who have been going strong for over a year now. Here’s the messages he was sending a grown man who he thought was a 14 year old boy.
He specifically asked the person he was speaking with, who he knew was not 18 at this time, if they were working with the police because “I’m not looking to get caught up in anything.”
AKA he knew what he was doing was wrong and likely illegal. He even acknowledged that he could go to jail for pursuing the underage boy.
The pedo poacher told him in no uncertain terms that he was a 14 year old boy, and instead of alerting authorities and ending communication Justin expressed how impressed he was with all the sexual things the teen had done at such a young age.
Justin told the child that he was a top.
Aside from the lifetime of trauma that comes along with being sexually assaulted by an adult, think of the long term affects gravity could have on the poor kid.
He wanted to know how big the kid’s tonsil tickler was.
He told him that he fantasized about the kid wearing his high school basketball uniform.
He also said he fantasized about being a pediatrician who gives teenagers sexual favors during physical exams.
He asked to see if the kid was home alone when his Mom was at work.
The creepiest thing these guys do is try to work around the parent’s work schedule so they can bang their children when they’re not home.
Then they made plans to smoke pot, fool around, role play fantasies at his place, and he requested dick pics from a 14 year old.
This guy really has a thing for Under Armour.
Anyway, here’s what happened when they went to meet up at his apartment.
It’s amazing how these guys think they can talk their way out of it. I hate to give pedophiles advice, but if this ever happens to you your best move is always just to run. You’re busted, the screenshots have been taken, and they will be released. But because these people are all narcissists and professional con-artists they think they can fool anyone. Hardly ever fails. For instance, he said that he was talking to someone he believed was 18, and then changed that to 14-18, as if turning it into an age range makes it OK.
“Im not a pedophile, I just meet up with boys 12 to 25. Preferably 25, but you take what you can get.”
The chat logs don’t lie.
He told Jay that he just wanted to “chill and talk.” The chat logs say otherwise.
He claimed that they “talked about different thing that we liked.” Ya know, things like pediatrician HJ’s, and felating the captain of the freshmen basketball team.
This was a great line though.
“I didn’t know he was telling the truth, he could’ve been lying.”
Yea, the 14 year old boy could’ve been lying about being 14, so he wanted to meet up with him to make out and smoke just to make sure. If you’re going to go that route then just say that you were there to save the kid because you go on these apps to protect children and report them to their parents. That’s a lie that nobody would believe, but at least a lawyer could argue that in court with a straight face.
On top of that (no pun intentded) the plus sized pedo is also heavily active in The Order of Demolay, a fraternal organization for men and boys age 12-21. He serves as his local “Chapter Dad Adviser,” which isn’t creepy or anything.
I’ve never heard of Demolay International before, and I have no idea why anyone would sign up to be a part of it, because quite frankly the whole thing looks creepy and would be the ideal place for a predator to be.
That’s normal.
One of their 7 cardinal virtues if “filial love.”
Filial love (the love between a child and their parent): which is the love and the kindness we should have with our parents, the ones that gave us birth and taught us the first lessons in our lives. Through them we had the first lessons of kindness, respect and the belief in God.
Keep in mind, his role is “Dad,” in an organization that believes in promoting love between a child and their parent.
Adult men mentor and supervise the Chapter and are referred to as “Dad.” These men are often Masons or Senior DeMolays (former active members who have reached the age of 21) but can also be other men in the community, including the fathers of active members.
Justin Prescott should never work again as an EMT or be allowed access to children. He will likely try to talk his way out of it and has been brainstorming a way to pass this off ever since he got busted a few days ago. But at the end of the day he solicited a child for sex and should be in jail because people like this cannot be rehabilitated due to the fact that they’re unable to ever admit that they were wrong.
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