
Here Are 15 Outright Lies Hadassah Rose Wrote On Her Affidavit In An Attempt To Get A Restraining Order Against Me


As many of you know Hadassah Rose has filed for a restraining order against me in Milford District Court, and I have a hearing on this matter next Thursday at 9 AM.

Today I read the affidavit she wrote, and it’s one of the most insane things I’ve ever read.

Allow me to quickly break down each and every lie that she swore to under penalties of perjury:

1. I never once told her I was an investigator. I told her I was a reporter. Here’s the first message I ever sent her on July 24.


2. I didn’t demand that you show me your books. We spoke on the phone and you invited me to come in and see your books because you insisted that everyone was lying about you.


3. Your thrift shop and restaurant do not support the homeless shelter. The shelter supports them.


4. I didn’t videotape you without your knowledge. I was holding the camera up for 10 minutes after you told me you would be recording me.


5. I was not hostile or aggressive towards you. I left your shop because you were clearly being hostile and aggressive towards me.


6. She is right in that the Board of Health inspected the hellhole she calls a shelter and said things were fine. I do not dispute that the Milford Board of Health is run by incompetent hacks who are stealing money from the taxpayers by not doing the job they are paid to do.


7. I did not “attack” you on any blog, nor did I write any untrue statements. If you could point out just one thing that wasn’t factual I would take it down. But everything is true. Regardless, me writing a factual blog is not grounds for a restraining order and ties up the court’s time.


8. I never went back to your house after I left. That’s just a bold faced lie you’re using to try to get a restraining order against a legitimate reporter who has exposed your wrongdoing and malfeasance.


9. I never made any threats against Steve Garabedian. Tomorrow I will be calling him during the day and broadcasting it on YouTube. We will find out if he confirms or denies it. If it’s not true then this just outright perjury on the part of a woman who clearly belongs in jail.


10. I never once called any of your friends (you have friends?) or family. Another outright lie.


11. Your son isn’t autistic.


12. I never called your son. Just like with you I messaged him on Facebook, and I didn’t pretend to be an investigator. Here’s the message I sent.

Investigators don’t write stories. Investigative reporters do.


13. I didn’t send anyone to the shelter. You advertised that you were having an open house the day the first blog came out. One turtle rider showed up.


14. I have not been calling you, nor have I had others call you. For some reason you write your cell phone number all over the Internet, so perhaps if people are calling you (they’re likely not) it’s because you chose to do that.


15. You haven’t been under constant harassment. Regardless, this is a restraining order you’re taking out against me, and me alone. It only pertains to me contacting you, which I have not done.


I really look forward to wasting my time meeting you in court so that this ridiculous, frivolous, time wasting complaint will be thrown out. And I’m proud to say that we have done our job in exposing you as the lying, con-artist that you are. The town of Milford might be run by incompetent, corrupt hacks, but it’s certainly going to be a lot harder for you to solicit enough donations moving forward to keep your stores and homes.



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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries

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