High School Sports Broadcaster Harasses Carver High School, Demands They Reprimand Basketball Coach For Following Libs Of Tik Tok On Twitter


Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (4:50)


This is Sam Feeley from Fitchburg.

Sam is the owner of a business called Local Sports Productions, that appears to do play by play commentary for high school sports in Massachusetts, both in person and online. Here he is doing the starting lineups in a basketball game between Nipmuc Regional and Whitinsville Christian.

Due to his line of work Sam follows a number of coaches from around the state on his LSP Twitter account. One of those people is Carver High School Girl’s Basketball coach, and assistant football coach Mike Ponte. Coach Ponte was hired over a number of other quality candidates after putting together a stellar run at Westport High School, where he won 77% of his games and was a social studies teacher.

However, Sam Feeley noticed that Coach Ponte followed an account on Twitter that he doesn’t like called Libs of Tik Tok. LOTT is an account with 1.5 million followers that documents child abuse by sharing media that has already been uploaded by the child abusers themselves.

LOTT provides very little commentary themselves, doesn’t make any of videos of their own, and shares content that others voluntarily put up. Essentially they are just holding up a mirror to the left, and if they are proud of their behavior they should see nothing wrong with it.

Because of this LOTT has been attacked by activist reporters like Taylor Lorenz, and mentally unstable transgender activists, who have labeled their actions as “stochastic terrorism.” This is a term that communists have recently made up to try to silence free speech. The idea is that when LOTT shares videos of people grooming or indoctrinating children, or when they share videos of Boston Children’s Hospital advertising genital mutilation for kids, that they are somehow inciting their followers to commit violence against the people in the videos that LOTT shares. This is an absurd notion that flies in the face of the First Amendment and logic in general.

LOTT has never encouraged violence, nor can they be held responsible for the actions of others. The BLT-123 industrial complex just wants to use this excuse to shut them down because they have too much influence, and are exposing too many real things. If “stochastic terrorism” could be used as a pretext to prevent people from exposing others on the Internet, then Bernie Sanders would be to blame for Republican congressmen getting shot at a baseball practice 5 years ago. Ironically Chaya Raichik, the woman behind LOTT, routinely has her life threatened by liberal activists.

Coach Ponte never shared, commented on, or liked any LOTT posts, even though there would be nothing wrong with doing that. But this didn’t stop Feeley from harassing Carver High School. Here’s an email he sent their administration:

He readily admits that the Coach didn’t like, share, or comment on any LOTT tweets. But this LOSER says it’s dangerous to students if their coach follows a news breaking account with 1.5 million followers. I follow many people I don’t like, including people I find repulsive. Following an account is not an endorsement of their beliefs. This is just a man with too much time on his hand attempting to police who other people choose to get their news from, in order to get them fired from their jobs.

Sam Feeley says that defending LOTT is not a valid opinion, like preferring Coke to Pepsi. You are not allowed to like pages he disagrees with because they expose child predators. So I guess we are to assume that Same Feeley is in favor of protecting pedophiles and child molesters, because he believes LOTT is bad.

The worst part about this is that this LOSER sat around all day monitoring who grown adults chose to follow on social media. He did this in the hopes that Carver High School would admonish their well respected coach, and sadly stuff like this works sometimes. I was tipped off to the email and got it directly from Feeley himself. Here is a video of our conversation:

This man tried to take food out of another man’s family’s mouths, because he clearly hasn’t put enough food in his.

He had no answer for anything and couldn’t give a reason for why he tried to get someone fired over who they follow on Twitter. Instead he wanted to talk about why LOTT is “stochastic terrorism.” But the real terrorists are people like Sam Feeley, and they should all be publicly shamed and humiliated for being the cowards that they are. Since he likes to lie in order to try to take away people’s livelihoods feel free to flood his business with your honest reviews, telling the public about who he REALLY is. If you hire him, just know that he will stalk you on social media, monitor who you follow, and try to get you fired if it’s someone he disapproves of. Not someone I would want to be around my kids, and he should never be allowed to do business with a school in Massachusetts again. Let it be known – we will no longer remain silent as bullies like this try to attack well respected public servants.


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