Law and Order

Holbrook Board Of Health Brags About Fining Citizens $3,300 In One Day For Not Wearing Masks


The town of Holbrook’s Board of Health is quite proud of the fact that they are fining “non-compliant,” otherwise law abiding citizens for the crime of not wearing a piece of fabric on their face in public.

Holbrook should be ashamed of themselves for participating in this farce. Anyone who gets a ticket from them should rip it up in front of their face. Seriously, any cop who participates in this should hand in their badges and quit. Have some pride. Look what real cops in Warwick are doing:

The Warwick Police union is taking a stand against Governor Raimondo’s mask mandate, saying that while officers encourage people to wear a mask in public, they will not be enforcing the executive order by handing out fines. According to Governor Raimondo, fines for not wearing a mask will be $300. In a letter to the community, the Warwick Fraternal Order of Police says they have worked hard to earn residents’ trust and “bridge the gap” with the community, and “will certainly not be a part of it by enforcing this Order against our community.”

Instead, they say, the state should follow the example of other states which have encouraged people to wear face masks in public but not impose “policies which carry financial penalties and police enforcement.” Further, the union adds they “do not condone the words of Providence Mayor Elorza of public[ly] shaming people, or Governor Raimondo of ‘nudging’ people to comply.” The letter states that officers are already stretched thin during the pandemic with an increased number of calls for service, and they do not have time to be used to enforce the Governor’s executive order, which they call “questionably unconstitutional” and say “attempts to control the actions of law abiding, taxpaying individuals of our community.”

According to the union’s letter, officers are encouraged to wear a mask themselves, but “draw the line at the draconian measures Governor Ramiondo has chosen to include in her Executive Order of mandating that all people wear masks in public under the threat of civil penalties being issued to them.” The letter goes on to say the state needs “reasonable solutions to the problem, not pitting the hardworking police officers of this state against otherwise law-abiding citizens…an order such as this…forces the police to stop and inquire of individuals why they are not wearing a mask; potentially forcing them to reveal personal health information that is unwarranted and downright illegal, and also increasing any fear and anger that already exist in the community.” The union says officers are reminded they should use “discretion” in matters related to masks. The letter ends by assuring residents officers will continue to serve on the front lines of the pandemic despite the executive order.

God bless the Warwick Police Department.  It the cops just tell the tyrants that their job isn’t to police people for not wearing masks then the problem is solved. There isn’t a single cop out there who went through the Academy to become a mask meter maid. Their job is to enforce laws. No laws have been passed here. These are just edicts that cannot and will not survive constitutional review, as we’ve seen with the gun ban. Cops have worked hard to improve relationships in the community. They’ll be throwing it all away, and they will permanently lose my respect personally, if they join Team Lockdown and do the biddings of Karens. Police need to pick a side.

The woman who apparently runs the page is Board of Health member Kat Tribulski.

She’s a doctor/dog lady who recently moved to town from Boston and immediately ran for office and won.

Dr. Kathryn “Kat” Tribulski is a new Holbrook resident along with her two cats and beloved goldendoodle, Lilly. Tribulski is a doctor of audiology and is the lead pediatric audiologist at Tufts Medical Center and the Floating Hospital. Her roles and responsibilities include inpatient and outpatient care for pediatric hearing and balance issues. In addition to being the lead pediatric audiologist, she also is the head of the Newborn Hearing Screening program and the co-director of the Cochlear Implant Team at Tufts Medical Center.

She’s also a vapid, power hungry tyrant who needs to be brought down a notch after bragging today about how proud she is that her agency is extorting tax paying residents, many of who have lost their jobs and businesses, for the crime of not wearing a useless piece of fabric over their face in public.

Perhaps a woman who’s extremely overweight shouldn’t be lecturing other people about their health. Just a thought. Normally I’d consider if punching down to talk about someone’s weight, but this woman is actively trying to harm other law abiding citizens. Does she have to pay for for healthcare than the rest of us? She should, since she’s clearly gonna be using it more in the years ahead.

Of course she’s a doctor too, so she’s been receiving a paycheck this entire time and likely considers herself smarter than the rabble she’s extorting money from. .

The Holbrook page has blocked me and many others who commented on it because that’s what tyrants like Kat Tribulski do. And of course she’s victimizing herself on her Facebook page.

No, you’re being called a Nazi because you’re acting like a Nazi. Don’t take it so personally – lots of people are. Every one of these sheep who isn’t questioning any of this, and thinks that the government stripping people of their liberties is a good thing, would all gladly have followed Hitler. That’s one thing this pandemic has shown us – how easy it was for someone like Hitler to come to power. Times might change, but human nature does not. All you have to do is scare people a little bit and they will destroy each other.


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