Poor Behavior

Holyoke Couple Taunts Victim Online And Stalks Him After Their Unvaccinated Pit Bull Killed Chihuahua, Bit His Hand During Walk


Yasser Arman and Sarita Esparza are a couple from Holyoke.

They’re from the war torn lands of Mexico and Yemen, and for some reason moved to Holyoke, which completely defeats the purpose of fleeing a drug infested hellhole.

I’ve blogged about many a ratchet in my day, but these two are quite possibly the most vile individuals I’ve ever encountered, so strap on your turtle belt because we’re going for a bumpy ride.

Captain Thunder Thighs likes to take pictures of herself in the vain hope that one day she can become an IG influencer.

She likes to show off the ghetto rumpus that the Latin Kings may or may not use for baby gravy target practice, while wearing the most ratchet pair of slippers you’ve ever seen.

She likes to put herself up for sale next to emergency exit doors like discounted ground beef set to expire in in 2 days.

To the surprise of no one she is a big fan of “Hampden” beach, and has decorated her hoo-hoo like the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

Meanwhile Jihad Jimmy has been chronicling his journey with late onset puberty, and hopes to one day connect the loose connections of pubes he calls a chinstrap to the ball of McDonald’s grease and broken dreams he calls a goatee.

He owns a “business” based out of Chicopee called Arman Tours INC, that lists his principal office at their home in Holyoke, which may or may not be a lone man in a Honda Civic driving around delivering subpar marijuana.

The two of them own a pit bull (of course) they named “Stinky” that’s about to be euthanized, and of course the pit bull dindu nuffin. We know this because she posted about it on Facebook and it’s been shared hundreds of times. Here’s what she alleged.

According to her a man walking his dog allowed that dog to defecate on their lawn before picking a fight with her pit bull Stinky. Stinky had the dog in her mouth and the other dog’s owner mishandled the situation by attempting to pull the dog away from Stinky instead of pushing the dogs together, because somehow that would get them unglued. The man punched Stinky, who was injured, and his own dog was killed. He also said that he was bit, but she claims he’s making that all up and is simply trying to get a $40K pay day. The man is evil because he wants Stinky to be put down, even though Stinky dindu nuffin and is a friendly dog. Now she wants Charlie Baker and Masslive to see these images as proof.

Trust me, that poor dog wants nothing more than a free consultation with Dr. Doggy Kevorkian.

Now here’s what really happened according to the police report.

They’ve had the dog for over a year and naturally it has no shots. Of course if Holyoke had a mascot it would probably be an unvaccinated pit bull, so this is hardly surprising. However, witnesses saw the man walking with his dog on the sidewalk, not on her lawn, and Stinky literally ate the other dog’s insides because she was unleashed and there was no fence. Stinky has also tried to attack one of the witnesses dogs, and bit the man walking his pooch because Stinky is a very bad dog. Here’s what the owner’s hand looked like after.

This is their yard.

This is where the dog was dragged underneath the car.

And this was the happy dog, with the happy owner, before it was ripped to shreds by an unvaccinated ratchet pit bull.

I won’t post the image here, but I have put a picture of what this poor dog looked like after it was mauled at the bottom of this blog so you can see how graphic and horrible it was.

Sarita and Yasser are now blaming the victim and started a GoFundMe for no apparent reason, without explaining why they need money or how this money would bring Stinky home to them to terrorize the neighborhood some more.

The “explanation” came in the form of a trap queen sentagraph, claiming that the man-eating pit bull isn’t dangerous because they took pictures of it in a pink onesie.

The food stamp mafia is buying up her lies like the last case of Goya at Price Rite.

Yasser also shared it to the 413 Classifieds Facebook page.

That’s where the victim’s family saw it and the ratchetness commenced in the comments. Yasser said that the victim’s dead father was ashamed of him.

After a picture of the dead dog was posted he accused the victim of screaming, crying, and not composing himself “like a man,” after watching his chihuahua get murdered.

They kept posting about how good their dog is with kids because it had yet to turn one into a Cujo snack, and said that it was a dog fight, not an attack.

It’s also not his dog’s fault because pit bulls can’t distinguish between breeds.

One dog was a pit bull, the other was the spokesdog for Taco Bell. I know the “muh pit bulls people will chime in now with their “it’s the owner, not the breed,” which is partially true because ratchets are drawn to pit bulls like they are to EBT cards and flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hats. But it’s also partly the breed. Ratchets like pit bulls specifically because they are capable of the sort of violence that other dogs are not. If you own a pit bull this young, and it’s not registered, and you don’t keep it on a leash in your unfenced yard in Holyoke, you are asking for something like this to happen.

However, if you ask Yasser it’s not the owner or the breed.

According to Senorita Sausage Smoker the chihuahua is just as much of a fighter as her pit bull, and she knows this because she’s Mexican.

They continued to lie, blame the victim, and accuse him of being a money hungry scam artist over and over again.

She also accused the witnesses who saw his dog on the sidewalk (not her lawn) of making up a lie and jumping her with 10 family members in another periodless novella.

She said that the victim himself was lying about his injuries.

Even though he literally had pins put in because of what Stinky did.

Not only have they never apologized, they’ve also been stalking the victim, following him to Hatfield and using drones to harass him, so a judge granted the victim a restraining order. There have been dangerousness hearings where Stinky has been deemed to be too aggressive to be in the community. Consequently Stinky is set to be euthanized so they are attempting to profit off of this tragedy with a GoFundMe to raise money for nothing because they are soulless creatures who have no reason to exist and should probably just seek out Michelle Carter for a threesome.

In conclusion, these are quite possibly the two worst human beings I’ve ever blogged about, and not enough horrible things can happen to them.

Image of the dog below.












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