Law and Order

Holyoke Sex Offender Arrested For Masturbating In Public Twice In 3 Days In West Springfield And Chicopee


This is Larry Disco, a 58 year old homeless sex offender from Holyoke.

Larry had quite the week so far, after he was caught in public punching the clown not once, but twice, in separate municipalities.


Dude, you live in a tent. Nothing is stopping you from choking the chicken in there. If you’re gonna do it in public like that then take it to Holyoke where it belongs!

Shockingly this was not the first time Strokey Pokey was caught in West Springfield yanking the yogurt slinger for the world to see in broad daylight.

At this point it’s just what he does. My question is, what’s he using for spank bank material? Wouldn’t it be easier to take the Sears Catalogue into the woods and have a little privacy? Who gets turned on by traffic?

When he’s not twerkin the twinkie outside grocery stores he can be found inside them trying to steal twenty 12 packs of soda at a time.

Bruh, you’re homeless and probably hungry all the time, and you’re stealing strictly soda? If you’re not paying for it you might as well diversify. What the hell are you gonna do with all that soda in January?

Back when he had a home in Chicopee he also used to treat his neighbors with free tickets to the dong show.

It seems as if this guy is basically doing whatever it takes to go to jail and show the courts that he couldn’t possibly be a bigger threat to society if he tried. Yet they letting him remain free because apparently not enough people in the 413 have gotten front row seats to the meat mash matinee. Same time next month.



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