Hudson Superintendent Suspends Beloved Principal For Popping Balloon, Having Fun With Kids At Pep Rally, Won’t Answer Any Questions From The Public
This is Steven Beals, the Principal of Alvirne High School in Hudson, NH.
On Friday Alvirne held a pep rally for the football team, as has been a tradition for several years, and everyone had a good time. Then some unknown Karen in town saw a video of kids having fun with the principal so he had to be suspended (“administrative leave”). His crime? This:
He did a pushup competition with a football player, then had the kid put a balloon on his belly so he could jump on his stomach and pop it.
Thoughts and prayers for all involved.
Principal Beals’ suspension has sparked outrage in Hudson, because obviously this guy is well liked in the community. The purpose of a pep rally is to build community within the school. It’s a break from the monotony of the school day and a chance for kids to enjoy themselves and have fun with their teachers. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that video, and anyone who complained about it should be put in stockades in the middle of town so that everyone can point and laugh at them.
The correct response when Superintendent Dan Moulis received an email from one of these Karens would’ve been to tell them to get bent. Instead he did what so many other administrators do when they get a negative email from a parent – throw their employees under the bus to try to appease one malcontent asshole.
Dan Moulis is a career administrator who bounces from district to district, and has only been superintendent in Hudson since July.
Naturally the first thing this pandering carpetbagging nerdlinger did was suspend the well liked Principal of a community he has almost no ties to.
Students have organized a protest and an online petition to reinstate him immediately now has over 5,000 signatures. It seems like pretty much everyone likes this guy, which is extremely rare for a high school principal. Here’s a small sampling of the thousands of posts and comments on a Hudson Facebook group:
Students held a walkout yesterday to protest.
Do you understand how good at your job you have to be if you’re the principal of a high school and kids protest your absence? Do you think Zack Morris would’ve done that for Belding?
Pretty much the only negative comment I could find about this guy came from a woman named Kelsey Demers:
Just to review, the chick who recently graduated from there, has no children of her own, and thus no real investment in the schools, thinks the principal is in the wrong because some malcontents she knows thinks he’s too nice to the jocks. This is exactly the kind of person who should be ignored and mocked, but instead the Superintendent is giving into demands from people like her.
The media has widely reported that he has been placed on leave, but they’re not reporting why because the School Committee and Superintendent won’t comment.
Dozens of parents and students turned out Monday night at a meeting of the Hudson school board in support of Alvirne High School Principal Steven Beals, who has been placed on administrative leave. Little information was given at the meeting by board members or district officials about the decision to place Beals on leave, other than to say it was a personnel matter. A request for comment sent to Hudson School Superintendent Daniel Moulis received no response Monday.
Sometimes you have to remind these people who works for who. You don’t just suspend the principal and say “I’m not telling you why.” We need more administrators like Steven Beals and less gutless cowards like Dan Moulis. We need people who are invested in their communities, don’t wanna leave for greener pastures, and genuinely enjoy interacting with kids.
We also need to name and shame whoever is behind this, since the media won’t bother asking questions. If you live in Hudson or have any idea who the parent or parents that complained is, feel free to email [email protected], or message me on Facebook at Clarence Woods Emerson.