I Filed A Complaint With The Post Commission Against Boston Police Detective Karl Dugal For Harassing An Innocent Woman, Interfering With Court Proceedings


Yesterday I filed a complaint with the POST Commission against Boston Police Detective Karl Dugal, for his unprofessional, unbecoming behavior harassing and defaming a factually innocent woman on the steps of the Norfolk Superior Courthouse, and on Facebook. Dugal interrupted a press conference where Karen Read spoke for the first time on the courthouse May 24, falsely accusing her of “admitting” that she killed John O’Keefe.

He then made a Facebook post that was shared by Jennifer McCabe, who has proven to be one of the people who helped kill O’Keefe. Dugal falsely accused Karen of not having a brain tumor, lied about her not being in trauma after discovering the body, and made definitive statements about Karen’s actions which are provably untrue.

“Karen Read got drunk, put her full size SUV in reverse, hit my friend at speed and left him incapacitated on the side of the road to die, alone in the cold, like an animal.”

That is what libel looks like. Karl never stated that this was his opinion. He stated it as an undeniable fact. But anyone who has been following this case knows that John O’Keefe could not possibly have died from getting run over by Karen Read. Karl is blinded by the fact that Karen hurt his precious feelings by not calling him in the immediate aftermath of John’s death while she was experiencing trauma and being framed for murder.

The fact of the matter is that Karl Dugal is a Boston Police Detective and his public behavior is unbecoming of an officer, and extremely unprofessional. Karl is also openly associating with individuals like Jennifer McCabe who are under federal investigation for conspiracy to commit murder, and for covering up after the fact.

Let’s also not forget that Karl he cost the City of Boston $12K after he falsely arrested an innocent black man because he looked like another black man.

A Mattapan man should not have been tossed in a holding cell for several hours after he was arrested on Boylston Street near Tremont by a Boston police officer who mistook him for somebody else who had warrants out for his arrest, a federal jury decided this week. The jury awarded George Savage $12,750 for false imprisonment after a trial over his lawsuit against BPD Officer Karl Dugal for his 2014 arrest on Boylston Street, outside St. Francis House.

Savage who is black, bald and middle aged, said he was standing on Boylston Street in Chinatown minding his own business around 9:30 a.m. on June 16, 2014, when Dugal spotted him and mistook him for Robert Green, who is black, bald and middle aged, but who was wanted on drug and motor-vehicle charges out of Dorchester court.

People like Karl Dugal have no business being cops. I was very skeptical of the POST Commission when it was created in response to BLM riots in the summer of 2020, but I believe it could be a useful check against rogue officers like Karl Dugal, who use their power to harm innocent private citizens like Karen Read. I urge you to file a complaint by clicking here. Here’s what I wrote:



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