Law and Order

If You’re Afraid To Get Shot To Save The Lives Of Children Then Don’t Become A Cop


I am a steadfast supporter of law enforcement for the same reason I support firefighters – because I hold them in such high regard. I wouldn’t sign up to do what they do, but I know someone has to do it and I’m eternally thankful for them for that. But the police in Uvalde completely failed in their duty to protect the children of their community from Salvador Ramos:

  • Salvador Ramos crashed a stolen truck in a ditch outside the school at 11:28 and began shooting at two people at a funeral home.
  • He waited 12 minutes to enter the school and no police arrived.
  • Initial reports that said Ramos engaged with a school resource officer have been used by the left to prove that police don’t protect kids in schools, but that turned out not to be true as he walked in without anyone trying to stop him.
  • The door for the school was unlocked, which is unacceptable and the another problem no politician is talking about. We don’t have school shootings in Massachusetts, and it’s not because we don’t have guns or mental health issues. It’s because the doors to every school in this state are locked. There is no reason for anyone to go in a school without a prior appointment who isn’t a student or faculty. Schools should be protected better than any other building in our society because they hold our most valuable resource – children.
  • The gunman was in the school for over an hour and police stood outside and did nothing while he massacred children. One girl pretended to be dead by covering herself in her classmates’ blood.
  • A parent ran into the school, pulled her two kids out and was detained for saving their lives.
  • Parents outside begged them to go inside and do something but instead these heavily armed police used their weapons to prevent the parents from going into the school.

Here is what Texas DPS Lt. Chris Olivarez told CNN:

They are receiving gunshots. At that point, if they proceeded any further not knowing where the suspect was at, they could’ve been shot, they could’ve been killed, and that gunman would have had an opportunity to kill other people inside that school.

Newsflash – you signed up to potentially get shot. I have all the respect in the world for police officers because I know that they signed up to do a job where they might have to sacrifice their lives to save women and children. I give them the benefit of the doubt when they have to kill people in the line of duty because I know how dangerous their job can be when they’re being proactive. Every cop I’ve spoken to has said the same.

But if you’re not willing to get shot to save the lives of small children then you should hand in your badge and uniform and get an office job. Imagine if firefighters said they didn’t run into a building to save little kids because they might get burned? Imagine they said they had to wait for backup while the fired burned everything within minutes? These aren’t cops, they’re cowards. And cops, just like any government bureaucrats, are capable of being lazy. These are the kind of people who become cops so they can talk about how they’re cops. They do it for the pension, the health insurance, and the comfortable middle class lifestyle, which I’m all for. But in exchange for that you sign up to put your life on the line.

DPS Regional Director Victor Escalon made more excuses for the cowardice:

“They don’t make entry initially because of the gunfire they’re receiving,” Escalon said of the officers. “But we have officers calling for additional resources, everybody that’s in the area, tactical teams: We need equipment, we need specialty equipment, we need body armor, we need precision riflemen, negotiators.” 

Negotiators? What is there to negotiate? He wasn’t taking hostages, he was murdering children.

Equipment? Your guns are your equipment. Go kill the bad guy!

Additional resources? You ARE the additional resources. You’re not invading Omaha Beach, you’re trying to stop one untrained 18 year old who is actively murdering children while you waited. You retreated because you got shot at, because apparently your guns can’t be used to shoot back.

We still don’t know the name of the Customs and Border Control hero who finally had enough and barged into the school to kill Salvador Ramos. All I could find was this unconfirmed meme:

He was shot at too, but it didn’t matter because he was willing to die to save children. His name should be everywhere right now, but it’s not because blaming police conflicts with the idea that it was the gun’s fault.

We honor murdered police officers like Michael Chesna, Sean Gannon, and Ron Tarentino because of their bravery. All three chose to engage dangerous individuals with long criminal histories, knowing that they could die by doing so. We support the thin blue line flag because of their sacrifices. Criticizing what the police did in Uvalde isn’t anti-law enforcement, it’s the most pro-law enforcement position you can have.


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