I’ll Be At Dunkins In Holden Tomorrow Collecting Signatures To Run For School Committee

People have often asked me if I’d ever run for office, and normally my answer is no because I had no desire to engage in politics. Then coronavirus came and I quickly became aware how much control my local School Committee and board of health had over my life. I couldn’t have told you a single member prior to the pandemic, nor have I ever voted in a town election. But I probably should have because my daughter didn’t step foot in her kindergarten class until late January, and now only gets to go twice a week. Due to the fact that our School Committee has completely failed the children of the Wachusett Regional School District I’ve decided to throw my hat in the ring and run. I need 50 signatures from registered voters living in Holden by Monday. I will be at the Dunkin Donuts at the corner of Main Street and Shrewsbury Street in Holden at 9 AM tomorrow if you’d like to come down, meet, and sign the papers.
My platform is simple:
- Open the schools 5 days a week immediately
- Hold the superintendent accountable for not doing his job
- Resist any and all measures by outside groups to infiltrate our schools with racist and divisive critical race theory
I realize I may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and a lot of respectable folks in town aren’t fans of the language on the blog. But it’s not about that. It’s about replacing the people who failed to do their job and in turn damaged our children irreparably.
What motivated me to run is that one of the people up for re-election is activist Asima Silva.
In January at a School Committee meeting she said that 10,000 kids have died from COVID in Massachusetts. After being corrected she said that they weren’t dying, they were just struggling to breathe due to the virus. 1:56 mark.
Silva: “But I do have one question, when you showed one of the graphs and it said 10,000 students had died between the ages of 0 and 20, what was the pool of that? Was that Worcester Country or Massachusetts?
Silva: “I agree with the social emotional aspects of kids returning to school, but this is where the hesitation comes from seeing those numbers. What is the social emotional aspect of a child becoming one of those numbers? As much as we talk about the social emotional aspect of our kids needing to go back to school to interact with their teachers and their classmates, I go back to a graph like that and as everyone knows I’ve had a really, really tremendous like hard family case with COVID, that ended up in the most horrible manner. And I asked myself, can a student and a teacher ask themselves if they can watch a loved one literally suffocate to death. That graph, as much as we say it’s only 10,000, that’s 10,000 too many in my opinion.”
People like this are completely ignorant and have no business controlling educational outcomes for children in this district.
I’m also motivated to run because the healthcare expert the district used to decide when the schools could reopen was actually an insurance adjuster. On top of that they made the decision to keep schools closed in November literally a day before my daughter thought would be her first day of Kindergarten. My emails to the superintendent have gone unanswered, and as a taxpayer I find this unacceptable.
You can whine about the government, or you can do something to fix the government. I’d urge anyone living in a school district where the schools are not open yet to do the same.
Hope to see some of you there tomorrow at 9.