Investigating Kate “Bristol” Peter Part 1: Living Life As A Blogger Shaming Bad Parenting After Giving 2 Toddlers Away
At TB Daily News our blogs are often judgmental of others. If you’ve lived a clean, law abiding life, you have the right to judge others who have not. However, if you live in glass houses you have no right to throw rocks. Most bloggers I’ve brought on board are decent, hard working people. But that changed when I brought on two bloggers in 2018 – Manch and Bristol. I’m not going to expose Manch because she didn’t steal money from the company, subvert the business from the inside, and start a competing endeavor that publicly shames degenerates. But Bristol did, and the people who would be inclined to look to her as a beacon of morality deserve to know the truth.
While blogging for Turtleboy, Kate “Bristol” Peter wrote many blogs shaming people for poor public behavior. A common them was her constant judgment of the parenting skills of other women, who according to her never took personal responsibility. The most memorable mother she went after was Danielle Bognanno, more commonly know as Hot Tow Truck Girl. Here’s a blog she published in September about her. She rightfully called Danielle out and had some choice words after HTTG lost custody of her son and began robbing Johns at Encore Casino.
Kate referred to Danielle as a “slampig.”
Said it was an “honor and privilege” to “expose them for the useless scum they truly are.”
Kate criticized Danielle for “prioritizing loser criminals above the welfare of her own child,” and referred to her as a “shitbag Mom” after Danielle’s mother wrote a letter voicing her concern about her grandson’s well being.
Remember that for later.
She had some rather choice words for her in the conclusion as well.
Ms. Danielle Bognanno of Wakefield, MA – I regret to inform you that our audit of your life choices has uncovered some major discrepancies between what should be expected of a nearly 30-year-old mother of one and the choices you are actually making. We have found you to be selfish, irresponsible, dishonest, and of poor judgement and mindset.
If you are going to insist on continuing to be human garbage, you relinquish the right to speak on others. Take the cotton out of your ears, and put it in your mouth, chickie – you have a lot more to learn than you’ll ever have to teach right now.
Harsh words, but fair. So long as they’re coming from someone who doesn’t have a history of being selfish, irresponsible, and dishonest.
A month later Kate had some more to say about Danielle’s parenting skills.
Do you know what a scumcunt you have to be to have the courts recommend limiting the parent/child relationship? I’ll answer that – a huge scumcunt. Speaking of scum, you know who else doesn’t have custody of her child? Danielle “Super Cute Stolen Sunglasses” Bognanno. She lost custody of her son, again. Because obviously robbing johns at the Encore Casino takes precedent over appropriately parenting your child in these two clowns’ worlds. Total. Scum. I was going to leave you alone, Josh and Danielle. You got boring. I was going to let you die nice, quiet ratio deaths on YouTube and live your meaningless lives in dismal, abject poverty without any more incident from me. But then you had to go after one of my own. So, game on, slopbuckets. I have a lot of information about what you’ve been up to lately, and suddenly I feel like I can pencil in a slot on my Sunday night show for it. Buckle up. You’re about to be ruined with cold, hard facts….again.
Such a hardo. Clearly in a position to judge others.
Danielle was hardly the only person she’s done this to. She had some harsh words for a Lowell mother in January.
Remember the parts I’m bolding here.
Nothing says “one way ticket to federal prison” quite like all your cherished childhood memories involving your mom getting drunk and shaking her ass while you desperately reach out and cry for her on a Facebook live video. I guess Savvy missed the memo about shitting on other moms on social media – it doesn’t make you a better mom yourself.
And they’re not just shitposting, either. Because why get a baby sitter to, I don’t know, go work a job to provide, or access higher education, when you could abandon your kids at the nearest questionable relative or acquaintance’s, and let deez hos catch deez hands? Keep gyrating those hips, because with you as their egg donor, that’s the closest thing to useful life skills your kids will ever see. I’ll say it once again for the drunken high school dropout skanks in the back – Criticizing another parent on Facebook does not make you a better one. And in this case, all it accomplished was leading the Turtle to expose your entire tainted DNA line. Congratulations! That was as smart as move as one could expect from this Fool Tang Clan of winners.
In part 3 of the Michael Cadena blog series Kate had some sound parenting advice for the man who was using social media to smear his child’s mother because of her history of drug abuse.
The moral of the day is, don’t embroil the public into your nasty custody war, especially if your hands aren’t clean and your intentions not snow-white pure. The Turtle will find you, and we will investigate. Don’t. Poke. The. Turtle.
In part 2 we will see that Kate has a long and documented history of publicly smearing her current boyfriend and her baby daddies. She’s right about one thing though – the Turtle will investigate.
She went hard after a Pawtucket mother for losing her children to DCYF, and then blamed them for not taking proper care of her children.
That is the face of an immature, ill adjusted, narcissistic child. You have to grow up to raise children, something this chicken fried fool clearly has not done. Let’s say this loudly for the ratchets in the back: CPS DOES NOT TAKES KIDS AWAY FOR NO REASON. It doesn’t happen. If you have lost your kids, you have failed them in some way. Even if you love them, even if you want to be a good parent – you are somehow deficient. Don’t want your kids to be harmed in foster homes? Don’t fucking put them there. It’s really that simple. And if you do find yourself listed in a C&P petition, for the love of God, own up, fix it, and get your kids back. Take care of them, so you’ll never lose them again.
The Fall River Guttermuppet got it worse than anyone.
And despite all the aforementioned drama that reads like a 5-star application for forced sterilization, she just can’t seem to figure out why she can’t see her crotch fruit. Cassandra, hun, go back and re-read everything we’ve written about you. Then you may have some idea as to why you had a kid “ripped out of your arms” at birth. I mean this in the most neutral way possible – not everyone is meant to be a parent. In the interest of public health and safety, for fuck’s sake, woman: YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO BE A PARENT. Just stop. Stop going to court. Still an unfit mother, though! I can’t imagine why she can’t keep her kids.
There are countless other blogs like these ones.
Never mind the low hanging fruit of spending time catfishing Joe Orga and meeting up with him for a date, for the sole purpose of humiliating him, rather than spending time with your own children.
In September Kate published a blog that I actually enjoyed, because she opened up about her past and virtue signaled about how she overcame abuse and a bad attitude to get to where she is today.
At the time I really enjoyed that blog because I thought it was honest. She even referred to me as one of her idols, and said how honored she was to be asked to write blogs.
But as it turns out she left a lot out, and she thought very little of me. I look back on it now and realize how incredibly self-serving that blog was.
“Me, me, me.”
I bring this up because Kate herself kept several secrets from me while under my employ. In fairness, someone did attempt to tip me off to this when Kate first began working for me, but it was a fake name so I didn’t pay much attention. In hindsight, it was dead on.
“She even made up a false charge against my brother that put him in jail.”
I know the feeling. This is the same woman who hacked into our Facebook account and posted a threatening message to herself in a failed attempt to violate me on a harassment order and have me arrested. She also likely burnt a company truck in order to do the same.
Kate has given birth to four children – a daughter followed by three boys. In 2009 Kate and her baby daddy lost custody of her daughter to DCF.
Do you know what a scumcunt you have to be to have the courts recommend limiting the parent/child relationship? I’ll answer that – a huge scumcunt.
Kate’s mother, Monica Earls, petitioned the court in 2010 to see her granddaughter because she was “gravely concerned that the girl was both hurt and confused,” due to the fact that Kate wasn’t bringing the girl to visits as planned.
If that sounds familiar a similar scenario played out with HTTG in the blog written by Kate.
The three boys came quickly one after another and are much closer in age. By 2011 she had given birth to all 4. In July of 2011 her ex-husband Steven Young was arrested for assault and battery on her, which somehow caused her to lose custody of her children. But we know now that Kate was’t honest, and she had lost custody of her oldest years before that. According to a source we spoke with this was because she chose to move back in with her abuser.
She dated this man Steve young and married him. When she met him she only had her first oldest daughter. They married and had (kid’s name). He beat the shit out of her all the time! She had just had (kid #3) and DCF made her take kids Into shelter to leave big Steve. She did that and got housing and became pregnant with (kid #4). As soon as she got the apartment she moved Steve (the abuser) in despite DCF’s wishes.
Steve beat her bad and tried to kill her. Little (kid #2) saw it all. Her kids were all taken on the spot. Daughter to grandma. Kid #2 into mental hospital and #3 and #4 to foster family. Kid #3 and #4 stayed together and went to a family that couldn’t have kids. They wanted to keep her babies. She did fight hard. She became an alcoholic when they took them from her. She tried for a year to get them and they said we will give you the older two if u let this family adopt the other two. She said no for a whole year. They finally broke her down, she never got to bond with #4, he didn’t even know her. Two years after the whole things she agreed to let the foster family keep the babies and they gave her the other 2 back.
This quote from a previous blog above just got a little more hypocritical – “prioritizing loser criminals above the welfare of her own child,
Remember what she said about the woman from Patwucket who lost her kids to DCF – own up, fix it, and get your kids back.
Perhaps she should take her own advice. She also said this about another mother she blogged about – “you could abandon your kids at the nearest questionable relative or acquaintance’s.”
Something she essentially did with her mother. Her entire Facebook page is like President Trump’s Twitter timeline – there is always an older post that contradicts a current post.
By the end of 2012 Kate was dating her current boyfriend Andrew Johnson, who had a drug problem at the time but seems mild mannered.
By 2014 Kate had agreed to adopt out her two younger boys. How did she pick which two to give away? According to her she bonded with the older children more. However, Facebook posts she made before then indicate a close and loving relationship with the younger boys, especially kid #3. She had a birthday party for him in 2012.
She posted normal things that loving mothers posted about their kids.
In a February 2013 post Kate talked about how kid #2 and #3 were born less than a year apart, and by age 3 they called her Mommy.
She complained in 2012 that her son’s daycare had allowed him to sustain injuries on more than one occasion, while boasting that this never happened under her watch.
According to her the child, who she later adopted out because she hadn’t bonded with him as much as the older two, said “I want you Mommy” while he was being stitched up.
If a child calling you Mommy isn’t an example of bonding I don’t know what is.
How do you give away two boys after saying that playing board games with them are amongst the “best moments of my life,” and that “there really is nothing in life more important”?
After getting divorced Kate began writing a blog in which she mostly shamed her ex-husband and complain about how horrible her kids made her life.
In one particular blog she said of kid #2, “I don’t like him.”
Talking to me she’s made similar comments about her children.
Kate is the last person who is fit to judge anyone else, including Josh Abrams, Bucket Boy, Joe Orga, or any of the other “auditors” she gives a platform to on her bootleg Turtleboy spinoff channel.
Stay tuned for part 2 tomorrow.
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