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Canton Cover-Up Part 10: Jennifer McCabe Hired Boomer Mobster Attorney Kevin Reddington Who Claims She Passed A Polygraph Test 

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Jennifer McCabe has hired “south shore famous” boomer Attorney Kevin Reddington, and despite not being charged any crimes he claims that she took and passed a polygraph test.

The legal battle over who is to blame for the death of a Boston police officer during a snowstorm has taken another bitter turn. Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe died while outside a Canton home on Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022, as the storm pounded the region. Defense attorneys for Karen Read — the woman accused in the death — say others are culpable. But that has sparked some high-powered pushback.

“My client, Jennifer McCabe, has been vilified in pleadings. They are spinning it,” attorney Kevin Reddington told the Herald Monday. “It’s going nowhere. The whole scenario is baseless.”

Reddington, a top lawyer in the region, is hitting back at Read’s legal team who claim in motions that McCabe and Brian Albert were inside the Canton home on the night of the death and are partly responsible.

Reddington said McCabe passed a polygraph test showing “no evidence of deception” or any conspiracy or coverup.

“This rabbit hole the defense is trying to go down will sputter,” Reddington added, saying his client called 911 and any search was done on behalf of Read.

Reddington said his client “has been through hell and back” as others push different scenarios.

Read has been out on bail since initially being charged in Stoughton District Court on Feb. 2, 2022, when she posted $50,000. Following her indictment that following June, the Superior Court set a bail of $100,000, which she posted. Her bail has since been lowered to $75,000.


Oh yes, Jennifer McCabe is the REAL victim here. She’s been through hell and back covering up a murder and pretending to be a compassionate person while a completely innocent woman faces decades in prison. Meanwhile, Karen Read lost her long term boyfriend, his children, her job, her freedom, her ability to drive, likely most of her savings, and never got a chance to properly grieve the person she was closest too.

Poor Jennifer McCabe.

Keep in mind, this is the same attorney who said that this guy would be found not guilty:

Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia was the most transparently guilty criminal of all time, and legal experts couldn’t believe when he didn’t take a plea deal and elected to take his corruption case to trial. He was found guilty on 21 of 24 charges. Reddington said he was “stunned” after the verdict.

But clearly he wasn’t stunned, because he’s not an idiot. He knew the evidence against his client was overwhelming, just as he knows the evidence against McCabe is. This is an attorney who has represented several individuals from the Whitey Bulger crime family, and claimed that all of them were innocent. So Jennifer McCabe is in good company.

(Jennifer’s maiden name is Weeks, and some have told us that she is related to Bulger assassin Kevin Weeks, but this has not been confirmed)

Here’s some questions I have:

  • How do we know she passed a polygraph test? Because her lawyer said so?
  • What questions were asked on the polygraph?
  • Who administered it? Michael Proctor?
  • Who was in the room to witness it when it happened? Canton Police? Was it family favorite off duty cop Sgt Lank? He likes to help out the Alberts a lot when he’s off the clock.
  • Why would a woman who has not been charged with any crimes, and is not listed as a suspect in any crimes, take a polygraph test?

This isn’t the first time Reddington has claimed that one of his clients passed a polygraph test. In 2014 he represented Correia’s predecessor as Fall River Mayor, William Flanagan, after his future client Correia accused Flanagan of threatening him with a gun as a way to intimidate him. Reddington stated that Correia was lying by showing the media results of a polygraph test that he claims proved that Flanagan never pulled a gun on Correia.

So why isn’t he showing the results now? Think of how explosive that would be. It’s almost as if there are no polygraph tests because it would be absurd to think that a woman who is not a suspect in a crime would go out and get an independent polygraph test in response to defense pleadings for another woman’s murder trial.

There is no reason to trust anything Kevin Reddington says because he is paid to lie. You know how I know that? Because he said that the “whole scenario is baseless.” Clearly that is a lie, because Jennifer McCabe:

  • Lied about John O’Keefe being in the house at 34 Fairview Ave
  • Intentionally called and texted John O’Keefe 8 times between 12:29 and 12:50 to pretend that she was finding out why he hadn’t come in the house, when in fact she knew that he was being dragged out to the front lawn to die
  • Despite claiming to have no idea that John O’Keefe was lying in the snow she still Googled “how long to die in snow” at 2:27 AM before pacing in her home until 4:53 when Karen Read called her to ask about John’s whereabouts
  • Deleted all of her calls to Tom Beatty and her sister that morning, along with the 2:27 Google search
  • Attempted to cover her tracks by Googling “how long to die in snow” again after leading Karen Read to John’s body
  • Googled “how long does it take to digest food” once she realized a pathologist would be able to determine time of death based on food digestion

The fact that Reddington poo-poos all of this as merely “baseless” shows what a shameless liar he is. We are not stupid. We all know this is anything but baseless, and we don’t have to be south shore famous boomer mafia attorneys to reach that conclusion. Kevin Reddington is a machine that you can put money into and he will say what you want him to say. The words that come out of his mouth are utterly meaningless. The fact that Jennifer McCabe had to run to him shows how desperate and afraid she is.


If this were in fact “baseless” then Reddington would offer some sort of explanation for why his client Googled that at 2:27 AM. Instead he simply says that “any search was done on behalf of Read.” She didn’t know he was lying in the snow, she just did what Karen Read told her to do. Indeed, Jennifer McCabe did NOT delete the two Google searches she did while she was with Karen Read, which she claims Read directed her to do after they “discovered” John’s body.

Had she merely done those Google searches he might have a point. But how does he explain this one that she deleted?

He didn’t even bother addressing it. It’s literally the most important piece of evidence in this case that directly implicates his client in the coverup, and he pretended it doesn’t exist. That’s how you know that Jennifer McCabe is in serious trouble. I’m sure this was bothersome for Karen Read to see, but it should be reassuring that justice is coming.



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