Josh Abrams And Joa Orga Came To Worcester To “Audit” The Police And It Didn’t End Up Well For Them

Worcester Police don’t play, and they certainly don’t have time for your shenanigans. Josh Abrams and Joe “Grundlestiltskin” Hart Orga found that out the hard way yesterday when they took a Saturday afternoon off from taking care of their kids (lol) and drove to Worcester to “audit” the WPD. Didn’t end too well for them.
Welcome to Worcester boys.
“I want your name and badge number”
“You’re not getting s***”
They might humor your antics in Melrose, but out here in Worcester they simply don’t have time for your white boy nonsense. Trust me, I’ve been to that service desk many times before. If you think the cops were bad to you, try dealing with the grump old lady at the records window who clearly hates her job with a burning passion. Good luck.
Some might say that the police should not have arrested Grundlestiltskin. I am not one of those people. You can see in that video that there is a woman behind them when they’re at the service desk who probably needs actual services. The police officer who kicks them out can see this, he sees them creating a disturbance inside the police station, and he decided that they didn’t have the right to prevent other people from accessing first responder resources. The look on Mr. Hart’s face when they took his phone was priceless.
Sorry Joe, you’re not in Pawtucket anymore. Now tuck in that fupa and go home.
I notice Josh was wearing “the outfit” again.
The Wakefield Salvation Army must have a shortage of Puma clothing. Just kidding, we all know Josh only bought one, which he wears in every single video he’s ever been in.
I will say this – the Worcester Police need to catch up on TB Daily News, because they clearly had no clue who these two were. I’ve talked to several municipal cops and state troopers and all of them say they’ve been warned about what to do when Abrams arrives, because they read TBDN and know that he’s apt to show up anywhere. They’re looking for exactly the reaction they got from the WPD because it gets them views. They certainly don’t want boring audits like the one they got in Paxton and the sergeant said to them, “Hey guys, you doing your audit today?”
That cop reads Turtleboy, and as a result he knows where to go for news that affects his job. I’ve seen more exciting field trips when I was in the cub scouts.
Also, we need to address these ads for a moment.
I see them all the time in Josh’s videos. I’m sure Boston Costume in Cambridge has no idea that the money they’re paying to Google is being diverted to a violent criminal so he can harass the homeless and government employees at work. But I’m going to contact them on their Facebook page and find out for myself. They can then alert Google that they no longer want ads to appear on Josh’s channel, which will begin the process of flagging and looking at the channel more, which will eventually lead to demonetization. It would be a real shame if that happened.
Anyway, I need the audio of Mr. Grundlestiltskin squealing like a pig in heat as my ringtone.
So many memorable quotes from that glorious escapade.
“This is the worst experience I’ve ever had at a police department.”
“Then don’t come back to this police department. You’re not walking into our building and pulling this bulls***.”
The fact that Mr. Hart has comparable experiences at other municipal police departments perfectly sums up for me the dumpster fire he calls life.
The fight that they decided to pick this weekend was all over this sign:
They of course misinterpreted this as “you can’t film us,” when in reality it’s just a request that people not talk on the phone while speaking with cops at the service desk because it’s very distracting and rude.
That video also showed that on top of being a degenerate criminal, Josh is also a misogynist who doesn’t allow his pet girlfriend to speak.
Cameltoe Truck Girl: “Well these signs are unconstitutional so…”
Sergeant: “Very nice young lady by the way…”
Josh: “Now Im talking to you, so she’s all set.”
Sergeant: “You’re interrupting the young lady.”
Josh: “No, she’s done talking. I’m talking to you now.”
Sergeant: “I think she can speak for herself.”
Josh: “She’s no longer speaking to you.”
Josh knows that she’s our President would refer to as the “poorly educated.” He knows what she’s there for – getting thirsty/horny men to donate money, ripping off Johns for drug money, and running the channel when he’s in jail. When he sees someone attempting to ask her what she’s doing there he silences her because he knows that she has no idea what’s actually going on here.
Loved this line too.
“You work for me, I don’t work for you.”
- You live in Stoneham, so you don’t pay taxes in Worcester, and thus they don’t work for you.
- You don’t pay taxes in Stoneham either because you don’t have a job and you’re on Mass Health.
After the cop block supporters bailed Grundlestiltskin out of jail he sat down with Josh and gave one of the most self-emasculating interviews you will ever hear.
Grundlestiltskin (7:20): I demand a public apology and dropping the charges. Then my lawyer, who is a great lawyer and has never lost a case yet, will file a lawsuit and press charges against the cop who arrested me.
Also Grundlestiltskin (5:13): Please send me money because I need a lawyer so I can “take these mother f***ers down.”
Of course he also complained that the nurses at Memorial Hospital who helped heal his imaginary wounds weren’t doing a good enough job for him too, even though he almost definitely does not have healthcare. They claim to be fighting for the taxpayers, who ironically paid for this trip to the hospital, and who will be the ultimate source of revenue for Josh and Joe for the rest of their miserable existences.
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This is absolutely great I haven’t even watched the video and I’m glad because I see them on YouTube walking around in to police stations in just provoking them into these stupid arguments so they can get views and that’s what makes these people wanna go into Congress and take our rights away, Sometimes it’s justified when there’s an issue and a cop did something wrong but doing it unprovoked is no different then the bad cops doing it to you bahaha
As my grandfather used to say “Don’t go poking the hornets nest if you don’t want to get stung ! These jerks pushed the envelope. And you’re right TB, Worcester PD doesn’t put up with this nonsense. Back in my day these guys would have gotten much worse.
Is Mass Health for poor people and is it paid for by people’s taxes? If that is the case is Josh working for us?