Kelly Scamerico Frightens East Bridgewater Facebook Group With Lie About 17 Year Old Dying In Car Accident, Says She Watched It On Facetime

It was over three years ago that SSTG introduced us to Kelly “Scamerico” Janerico, one of the most notorious ratchet scam artists in TB history.
That’s just a small sampling. I urge you to read the whole blog. She is something else.
Scamerico is no longer ripping off the citizens of Weymouth, and has taken her talents south to East Bridgewater, where she made quite a name for herself yesterday. It all began when a man did what people always do in townie Facebook groups – asked people what’s going on with all the traffic?
Speculation was running high and no one had any answer. In came Scamerico to drop some truth nuggets on the townsfolk.
A Jeep with two teenagers got knocked upside down? Not good. How did Scamerico know this? Does she have an inside source with law enforcement? Or was this somehow tied to whatever GoFundMe scam she has in the works?
Her “fiance” was there when it all went down. Of course he was.
This set off a panic as people thought that two kids might be dead.
Scamerico informed everyone that at least one of them had died, and her fiance was suddenly her boyfriend too.
Or fiance. I don’t even think it matters if the wedding is held at Applebees. All I can tell you for sure is that he must have super human powers to pull a girl out of a truck AND look at this face and say, “I’d like to fornicate with that.”
She blamed the teenage boy’s death on a city employee, even though she lives in a town, and said that the truck (or the Jeep it hit) was grayish.
One of them was grayish.
There was another twist to the story too – Scamerico’s superhuman fiance/boyfriend was Facetiming her while pulling a 17 year old girl out of a flipped over Jeep.
Ya got that? He held the phone with one hand and pulled the girl out with the other. Scamerico sure can pick em.
Scamerico’s harrowing first hand account of this deadly incident understandably was triggering for some, but she was there to provide emotional support.
But of course it all turned out to be a lie.
It was OK though because her 14 year old is “in the same state.”
And that state is Massachusetts.
As it turned out no one died, nothing flipped over, and Scamerico’s boyfriend/fiance didn’t pull anyone out while Facetiming her.
Nevertheless she persisted.
So just to review.
Scamerico saw that there was a car accident that people were curious about and inserted herself, and her possibly imaginary fiance into the story, while claiming that he saved a life. She sent fear into the community as an many believed an unnamed 17 year old was dead, and triggered a woman who lost her husband in a car accident. And when she was finally called out for being a liar she denied it and said she saw the “video” which wouldn’t exist anyway since Facetime doesn’t record to video.
Never change Scamerico. Never change.
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