Poor Behavior

Kylie Kirkpatrick Forced Her Son To Hold A Curt Menefee Cardboard Cutout To Get On TV During The Super Bowl Pregame Show


In case you missed it, Ryan Kyote and his ex-con mother Kylie Kirkpatrick were featured on the Fox Super Bowl pregame show.

This woman, who apparently has no bottom, made her son bring a cardboard cut out of Curt Menefee’s face, knowing that this would attract his attention and get them on TV.

You would think that an active police investigation into her fraudulent activities would encourage her to keep a low profile. But when you are addicted to attention and fame the way Kylie Kirkpatrick is, it’s the only thing you know how to do.

I notice that Ryan is rocking the corn rows now.

Someone might want to tell her that this is a big “no-no” in her newfound political circles. It’s called “cultural appropriation” to wear ethnic hairstyles that don’t belong to you, and many on the left would frown upon it. After all, Kylie is white and the counselor who impregnated her while she was in rehab and Ryan was being taken care of by his sister, was Korean.

The Oakland Raiders sent this child there because he pretended to be a fan of their team. It was the latest in a long series of cons that Kylie has pulled on established entities like the Raiders. Ryan has no allegiance to any team, and simply pretends to be a fan of whatever organization Kylie tells him to be so that she can get more free stuff.

The message the NFL accidentally sent here is that lying and fraud pay .


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