Poor Behavior

Let’s Identify Chode Who Stole Entire Tip Jar From BT’s Barbecue In Worcester During Super Bowl


Let’s start off the week with a scumbag alert out of Worcester, where some dooshnozzle stole the entire tip jar from BT’s Fried Chicken and BBQ right when the Super Bowl began.

Pro tip for BT’s – don’t bother tagging the Turtlegram and Gazette. No one reads them and they would never share your post. Luckily Worcester is a city that’s small enough so that the major chodes are well known, so surely some Turtle Rider will be able to identify this maggot.

This guy stole from working class people who can’t make that much money, and he deserves to be named and shamed. Feel free to message me on Facebook at Clarence Woods Emerson, or email [email protected] if you know Chode Dahl’s identity.


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