Poor Behavior

Local Moms Organize Protest Of “DCF Kidnappings” At Statehouse Wednesday And Some Famous Mothers Might Be Attending


Shelli Botello is a Massachusetts mother who is organizing a rally in front of the Statehouse tomorrow to protest the epidemic of DCF kidnapping that has been plaguing many people on her friends list.

Newsflash – if you think DCF taking your kids is a form of kidnapping it’s because you’re a full fledged ratchet and don’t even realize it. Normal people don’t have their children taken from them by DCF. This is not relatable. Some of the biggest deadbeats in this state are allowed to keep their kids, just ask Kate Peter who still has 50% of hers left. You have to go full Bristol Blarney and neglect or abuse your kids over the period of several years in order to finally get them “kidnapped” from you. And even then they might let you hold onto the bigger ones.

I was curious who the 90+ Cape Cod area residents she tagged in that post were because it’s probably not a good thing to be on that list. So I briefly took a gander at the list and one name rung a bell.

Gina “Fleestone Light” Giovangelo is arguably the hottest mess to ever cross the Bourne Bridge. Read all about her here. Her ratchet resume includes:

  • Killing a woman while drunk driving in 2010
  • Running away from the cops while taking a cigarette break outside during her arraignment
  • Getting knocked up after getting out of jail
  • Immediately violating probation by posting pictures of herself boozing on Vine
  • Spending the entire $200K she won in a personal injury lawsuit before killing a woman
  • Having a warrant put out for her arrest after she was pulled over for driving (she has no license) and gave the cop a fake ID
  • Getting knocked up and beginning the process of getting ready to be a mother while 8 months pregnant and begging for free baby clothes on Facebook
  • Having another warrant out for her arrest after leaving her treatment center to get high while 8 months pregnant
  • Being seen doing junkie jams in Boston while on the run from the cops

So if you’re looking for a woman with loose morals then hit up the Boston Common tomorrow at noon for this protest, because it’s like shooting a fish in a barrel. Just know that many of your family photos will end up being in the DCF visitors room where you can bond with your kidnapped child for an hour once a week.


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