Ludlow Woman Doesn’t Pay After 4.5 Hours Of Work At Springfield Salon, Taunts Owner On Facebook, Identified As TB Ratchet Who Started Fraudulent GoFundMe For Sister


Editor’s Note: If Jessica Martin would like to come on the Live Show tomorrow night at 9 PM to explain herself she is more than welcomed to email us at [email protected]. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel and see if she shows up.

The owner of Sparkle Beauty Salon in Springfield posted the other day about a woman who received 4.5 hours worth of work done to her hair to turn it silver and then dipped on the bill.

Many immediately recognized this woman as Jessica Martin, one of the Ludlow Slugpump Sisters we blogged about in December of 2020 after she raised money for her other sister who allegedly got roofied and raped in a very inconsistent story. In reality Danielle just got way too high and overdosed after Jessica sold drugs to a man who then gave them to Danielle. As fate would have it Danielle owed Jessica money, so Jessica decided the best way she could pay her back was for Jessica to start a fraudulent GoFundMe in her name. Jessica tried and failed to get me not to write the story.

Jessica then immediately blew all the proceeds on ghetto things.

In 2016 the sisters also knocked a friend of their’s unconscious for the crime of being friends with Jessica’s ex-boyfriend.

Today the younger sister Danielle Martin was in my inbox, asking me if I was Turtleboy, so I assume she’s here to rat out her sister. No need darling, everyone figured that immediately after seeing the pictures of her running to her car.

Jessica apparently has no remorse or shame for what she’s done and thinks that it’s OK because she didn’t like the job they did.

“Never done a drug in my life.”

LOL. OK. Sure thing ya fentanyl hyena.

For the record, it doesn’t matter if she was satisfied with the way her hair came out. She got 4.5 hours of their time and paying the bill isn’t an option. No matter how good a job they did she planned on saying she didn’t like it and using that as an excuse to not pay the bill. Do you understand what a sociopath and morally bankrupt piece of garbage to be to sit in a chair for almost 5 hours, knowing full well that you don’t plan on paying the people a dime who are working on your hair?

Jessica’s Facebook page is still up, and as you can see there is a small human being who has the misfortune of calling her Mom. She’s also giving out free relationship advice and complaining that she has no friends.

Pro tip – it’s better to be single than to end up with a crackhead who ended up on Turtleboy twice.

In all seriousness, this is why we do what we do, and why I’ll never stop. You can accuse us of public shaming and it’s a badge of honor I wear proudly. We have essentially created a ratchet database, and every time one of these people emerges they are almost immediately recognized for who they are. Some ratchets change their stripes, but most don’t, and it’s important to have a reference to look back at when they reoffend.



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