Poor Behavior

Malden Gym Owner Covers Up Artist’s Signature, Threatens Her On Social Media After Getting $2,500 Discount


This is muralist Kori Thomas.

She has done public works in many cities around New England, and was recently contacted by a man named Woosbed “Johnny” Pierre Rene, who just opened a gym called Fitbull in Malden, and wanted a mural done for the door. Woosbed had a very low budget for the project since it was a rather new business, and after doing some digging Kori discovered that he had a young daughter and she wanted to hook him up.

She agreed to do a $3,550 job for just $1,000. While she was creating the mockup, Woosbed (sadly that is his name) posted them multiple times on his social media accounts without tagging her in them or crediting her for her work. She politely asked him to do so, since copyrights and crediting are everything to an artist, and this is how he responded.

“If I am paying for it I don’t have to tag.”

You’re not paying for it. You’re a charity case she felt bad for. You’re ungrateful twat running a welfare gym, and she’s basically doing this for free by giving you a $2,500 discount. I’m not sure how the copyright law works with this, and she may be out of luck, but it’s just common courtesy not to cover up an artist’s signature at the bottom of a project she did for you at a discount.

Nevertheless she chalked it up to him being excited about the project and she completed the job with her IG on the bottom right hand corner of the door.

After the project was completed he demanded that she remove it, and when she told him that was not the deal he he went and covered it up on his own.

He then went on IG and demanded that she refund his $1,000 welfare job.

He then bragged about how the discounted job he got out of pity for his daughter was “all me,” and how the episode made him want to “grind harder.”

Then he bragged about how he “don’t sell drugs,” as if that was some sort of accomplishment.

Yea dude, if you sold drugs at least you’d be able to pay your bills. The problem is you don’t sell drugs, which is why your broke ass required pity to get the painting job done.

Kori seems like a nice person who isn’t really used to confrontation, but this was her work and she wasn’t getting any credit for it. It might not seem important to people like Discount Dipshit here, but for artists getting credit for their work is everything. I can relate, as our stories are often stolen without attribution or citation. It’s really easy to just allow the artist to have a small signature at the bottom, and painting over it is a dick move from an ungrateful loser running a welfare gym out of a garage in Malden.

Kori offered to sign the mural in a smaller spot, less noticeable, and asked to be tagged in his social media posts whenever he shared it. He refused and said “I paid for it, it’s my art,” which isn’t even remotely close to being how any of this works. When she asked what he was going to say when someone asked who did the work, he told her “Well I WOULD have told them it was you if you didn’t SIGN IT.” He was really upset that an artist wanted credit for a discounted job she did for him out of pity.

This week Kori made a post on Facebook about it and many of her friends flooded his comments section to support her.

He deleted every comment and then his girlfriend posted on her IG that “this b*tch needs to stop playing f*cking games, sending f*cking people to comment under my boyfriend sh*t,” before accusing Kori of being unprofessional.

Your narcissistic discount baby daddy covered up an artist’s signature and posts softcore porn of you and him on social media.


But please, lecture more about what is and isn’t unprofessional.

  1. You’re not successful. If you were you wouldn’t need a discounted pity paint job.
  2. The fact that you have to brag about being a “black business,” in order to try to capitalize off of the George Floyd gravy train, further proves how unsuccessful you are on your own.
  3. Malden is not Boston. Not even close.
  4. World star? Really?

Maybe World Star refers to that time in 2017 when he was arrested while he was a student at UMass for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon after he beat up an 18 year old man and two girls.

A 20-year-old University of Massachusetts student has been charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon – a shod foot- and three counts of assault in connection with an early Sunday morning altercation outside a Southwest dorm. The victim, an 18-year-old man visiting campus, was taken to Cooley Dickinson Hospital in Northampton. Woosbed Pierre-Rene, 20, of Malden, denied charges in Eastern Hampshire District Court in Belchertown Monday and was released on his own recognizance. He is due back in court Dec. 13. UMass officials could not comment on whether he returned to campus or not.

According to the statement of facts, Pierre-Rene was arrested after allegedly punching and kicking the victim several times outside the Kennedy dormitory. A police cadet found the victim bleeding from the nose, mouth and face, according to the report. Another cadet followed Pierre-Rene from the scene. Two women, meanwhile were attacked as they attempted to disrupt the assault, according to the report. One was allegedly pushed to the ground, the other was hit in the face. According to the document, Pierre-Rene was listed at 6 feet tall and 250 pounds.

I see attacking women is nothing new to Welfare Woosbed. Guys, he would really hate it if you flooded his IG, his Google reviews, and his Facebook page and pointed out what a sad, broke little bitch he is. Please DO NOT do that. It will hurt his feelings.


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