Manchester Only Fans Mom Tries To Regain Custody Of Kids By Protesting Outside Nashua Courthouse All Day Long

This is Faith Mandravelis from Manchester.
She’s your run of the mill degenerate who lost custody of her kids and wants them back. She doesn’t have a job, she smokes pot with her 13 year old daughter, gets a whole bunch of state assistance, and spends most of her time decorating a bus, going to music festivals, making “art,” and playing in her band.
She does have plans for getting the kids back, but it doesn’t involve maintaining employment or getting her act together. Instead she’s been holding all day protests outside of the courthouse in Nashua with signs about how unfair the judge is.
She’s also posting what she claims are communications from her 13 year old, who is living with the father and allegedly is telling Faith that she wants to come home and be around her.
Domestic affairs get messy, but anyone who publicly airs their children’s drama like this is a trashy human being. And this post pretty much tells me everything I need to know about this slug rake.
A big reason Faith is able to collect from the government is because she doesn’t report her income from her Only Fans account.
She also claims to be a former teacher, and posted on her Only Fans account that former students were happy to see that she was as dirty as they hoped.
She’s not alone though, and has recently been joined outside of the courthouse by what appears to be another Instaslampig who makes her money being goth fap bait.
Anyone who makes money online by selling access to videos of them blowing dudes from music festivals isn’t someone who is putting their children’s well being first. And if you did lose your kids to the state and you really wanted get them back, the last thing you’d do is sit outside the courthouse all day proving that the judge made the right decision.