Law and Order

Mansfield Semi-Pro Football Player Posts Video Stealing State Trooper’s Hat At Boston BLM Protest, Makes It His Profile Picture


This is Chris Walker from Quincy.

He’s a linebacker on the semi-pro football team the Bay State Bucs, and an outspoken advocate on social justice issues. He has attended a few protests, and seems to agree with the line of thinking that it’s OK to riot and destroy private property due to historical injustices that black people have suffered.

Last month he appears to have attended the black lives matter protest in Boston and brought home a trophy from it.

One of his friends warned him that sharing a picture of a stolen state trooper’s hat probably wasn’t the greatest idea. He wisely rejected this advice.

“Ain’t no crime here.”

Perhaps he’s right. Chris could’ve gotten that hat in any number of ways. There is zero evidence that he got that hat at the BLM protest on May 31. Well, except for this video.

“I’m gonna take these piggies down the old town road. Can’t no piggy can’t tell me nothing.”


The turtle rider who sent in the tip thought it might be related to this.

But that was July 13, and the hat was posted on Facebook on June 1, the day after the Boston riots. Either way, if you insist on stealing from the MSP you probably shouldn’t document it like this. Just sayin.


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