Melrose High School Asks Parents Not To Talk About Library Teacher Who Sent Assignment With Hyperlink To Picture Of Student Wearing Bikini

This is Thomas Scudder, who is some sort of library teacher at Melrose High School.
On Tuesday, he sent out a school assignment, and one of the hyperlinks, which included hyperlinks that students were supposed to click on in order to use materials he linked to it. However, one of the links went directly to a VSCO account for one of his 11th grade students, which contained images of her in a bikini. The only way this could have happened is if he was searching for her on the social media site and had either had her picture saved or opened. Unfortunately the entire class saw it after clicking on it and the student is mortified. Here’s a redacted video protecting the student’s face and the identity of the person who screen recorded, that shows the email and what happens when you click on the link.
Melrose High School has not suspended the teacher or even explained if any disciplinary action has been taken against Scudder. Instead they sent out an email asking parents not to talk about it all.
“Please do not discuss or share information about the incident so that we can cover this up and hope it goes away.”
Sorry, that’s not how free speech works. If this teacher wanted to look at scantily clad images of his students from the privacy of his own home then no one would know about it. It doesn’t mean he’s necessarily a deviant or a threat to kids, but it’s extremely creepy. He screwed up in the worst way possible and humiliated this girl in the process. That’a fireable offense, and asking parents to censor their First Amendment rights in order to protect him and the school’s reputation isn’t an acceptable response to it.