TB Investigates

Men Killed By 17 Year Old AT Kenosha Riots Were Racist Sex Offender And Domestic Abuser Who Were Trying To Riot To Honor Paralzyed Rapist Because Black Lives Matter


Seventeen year old Kyle Rittenhouse is being charged with murder after killing two “peaceful protesters” in the Kenosha Wisconsin peaceful protest riots, where he showed up to play vigilante.

I literally watched a man die no Twitter the other night. It was pretty wild.

“Call the cops.”


After that Rittenhouse ran, got tripped up, and shot and killed someone else in self defense.

Word of advice – don’t hit people with skateboards if you know they’re willing to use their AR-15.

Rittenhouse is a moron for showing up at all, especially with a gun that wasn’t legally his. His parents completely failed him, and he should definitely be charged for possession of the gun, but this was clearly self defense. Here’s the first shooting from another angle.

As you can see, the man was chasing after him, so Rittenhouse turned around and shot in self-defense. You can argue that he shouldn’t have been there or had a gun with him, but you can’t argue that that wasn’t self defense.

I have zero sympathy for anyone who dies at a riot, and that includes Kyle Rittenhouse. If you have time for this you’re a loser. If you’re participating in the destruction of a city, burning down businesses, and vandalizing churches, then I really do not care in the least if you die. Same would go for Rittenhouse if he was shot playing Rambo.

Of course none of this should be happening in the first place for a plethora of reasons. First of all, Jacob Blake, the man they’re all rioting over, deserved what he got. He was a violent offender with a warrant out for sexual assault.

In 2015 he was arrested for pointing a gun at someone in a bar, walked towards police when told to put his hands up, and then resisted arrest.

According to the criminal complaint, Blake and two women were at the Brass Monkey tavern, 1436 Junction Avenue, Saturday when Blake got into an argument with another patron and pulled a black handgun. Blake pointed the gun at the other man, and the magazine fell to the floor. The bartender told Blake to leave, and he did but then pointed the gun through the window at patrons inside the bar before walking south on Junction Avenue.

Believing the driver was armed, police conducted a high risk traffic stop, the complaint reads, and ordered Blake to put his hands out the window of the vehicle. Instead, Blake exited the SUV and started walking toward officers and ignored commands to get down on the ground. Officers forced Blake to the ground and ordered him to put his hands behind his back. When Blake refused to comply, K9 Dozer was deployed to force the defendant into compliance.

He was at his girlfriend’s house Sunday and she called the cops on him because he wasn’t allowed to be there. The police were aware of his background and had no choice but to arrest him on the sexual assault warrant. He had three kids in the backseat and put all of their lives in danger by refusing to comply with police orders. A good father would never have been in that situation in the first place. He fought them, got tased, kept walking towards the car, reached inside to grab a knife, and got shot. He’s not paralyzed, which will severely impact his ability to run away from the cops or rape again.

Everything about that was lawful, but it didn’t stop democratic governor Tony Evers from quickly rushing to judgement and blaming the police for shooting an innocent black man.

He turned down Trump’s offer for more national guard, and consequently the city got destroyed just like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and many other cities run by BLM politicians. NBA players “boycotted” their games yesterday and the woke patrol clapped like seals.

Even though they’re “boycotting” in honor of a rapist who was shot while trying to grab a knife to stab a cop. They’re also back to playing once again despite achieving absolutely nothing, which is the exact opposite of what a boycott is supposed to do.

This all could’ve been avoided if the media reported the truth and Tony Evers used the powers at his disposal to prevent businesses from being destroyed by rioters. By failing to do so he was essentially encouraging untrained right wing vigilante groups to show up and appoint themselves peace keepers.

Kyle Rittenhouse had no training whatsoever but showed up with a gun anyway and now two people are dead. This is the fault of the dead people themselves and Kyle Rittenhouse himself, but it’s mostly the fault of the media and politicians who encouraged this. They stoked the flames of racial tension, misrepresented the non-existent epidemic of black men being killed by police, and went out of their way to justify and encourage looting and rioting.

The people Kyle Rittenhouse killed were no big loss either. Anthony Huber, the rioter who hit Rittenhouse with a skateboard, had recently been charged with such crimes as domestic abuse, strangulation, battery, reckless endangerment, and use of a dangerous weapon.

The other dead guy who got his head blown off in the first video was sex offender Joseph Ronsenbaum, who also has recent charges of battery and domestic abuse.

And did I mention he was a huge racist too? Here’s a couple videos of him telling armed vigilantes, “shoot me n***a.”

So they did. But the irony of a white skinhead protesting against racism while yelling racial slurs is too rich not to laugh at.

But of course our congresswoman Ringo Pressley is making up like about Kyle Rittenhouse being a white supremacist, and two dead criminals who were there to “affirm the value, dignity, and worth of black lives.”

In reality Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber were there to riot, loot, and harm people. They just went after the wrong guy.

Meanwhile Ilhan Omar and the rest of woke Twitter wants Tucker Carlson banned from TV because he accurately pointed out that Kyle Rittenhouse’s presence at the riots was a direct result of a lack of law enforcement.

In summation, black lives matter rioted because a rapist got shot while trying to stab police, the democratic governor did nothing to stop them and encouraged the rioting by insinuating that the police were at fault, half the city was burned to the ground, vigilantes showed up because there were no cops to stop the lawlessness, and a woman beater and a racist kiddie diddler got got because they charged a man with an AR-15 who clearly didn’t have the training to use it properly. Now Trump has pulled dead even in the polls as America watches what happens in a swing state under democratic control.


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