TB Investigates

Mikayla Miller’s Mother Profits Off Daughter’s Suicide With $40K GoFundMe To “Help Investigate Mikayla’s Death”


In the least surprising news ever Calvina Strothers, the mother of deceased 16 year old Hopkinton girl Mikayla Miller, is cashing in on her daughter’s death with a GoFundMe.

It’s only been up for a couple hours and has already raised $3K towards the $40K goal.

The GoFundMe falsely accuses the police of not investigating her death, and “prematurely” telling Calvina that it was a suicide after finding her choked to death with a belt tied to a tree. The money she’s seeking to raise will go towards, “resources to continue this fight for accountability and transparency.”

Whatever that means. What costs has she incurred as part of her “fight for justice?” The investigation has been thoroughly done by DA Marian Ryan’s office, which pulled surveillance tapes from a Wendy’s in Sturbridge showing the children Calvina is accusing of being murderers eating there at the time her daughter died. She just won’t accept the truth, because that would prevent her from grossly using the death of her daughter to profit. Any grieving parent who solicits the help of Monica Cannon-Grant is a person whose motivations should be questioned.

Calvina’s business only recently opened in Hopkinton after she moved from Quincy.

According to online records she was sued by the Commonwealth last year.

Her Facebook page uses the phrase “self care is not selfish,” something Monica Cannon-Grant used to justify whey she was using donated money to go away to a spa with her husband.

A lot of people are expressing sympathy for Mikayla’s Mom, but the fact of the matter is that she is a big part of them problem here. She lied about investigators not contacting her, courted Monica Cannon-Grant, refused to accept the truth about her daughter, and is now attempting to profit off of her death. The money she raised could go to a suicide prevention non-profit that could give other troubled teens like Mikayla an outlet to go to if they ever felt depressed. Instead it’s going to line her and Monica Cannon-Grant’s pockets.



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