Milford CNA Posts That She Won’t Treat Man She Saw At Store Because He Wasn’t Wearing A Mask
I’ve gotten a lot of blowback from the blog published earlier today about my refusal to stand outside and clap like a cheerleader for essential workers. Although I have great respect for nurses in general, and the first line of the blog was “nurses are heroes,” I also have a problem with some nurses who feel the need to lecture others about how they need to “stay the fuck home” because the common folk aren’t essential like them. Then right on cue this woman showed up to prove my point for me:
Here I was wasting energy trying to explain my point when Judy just came along and went full Nurse Ratchet:
- She wants us to all stay home because the hospitals will be overcrowded, yet she has plenty of time to take virtue signaling selfies to post on Facebook
- She complains about how horrible the job that she signed up to do is while millions of people were forced out of their jobs by the government
- She casts judgment on people protesting the government for exercising their First Amendment rights
- She threatens to withhold critical healthcare to people who don’t wear masks in public
Then there’s this.
CNA. Because, of course CNA. Don’t tell her she’s not a real nurse though.
She gets to play dress up too. When’s the Tik Tok video coming out?
On top of being a CNA she also uses every stereotypical Facebook filter I’ve been mocking for the last two weeks.
The fact that grown women who use dog filters, pose in duckface, and look like they showed up to the hospital to get free narcan are bragging about how they are “essential” is exactly why I’m refusing to bow at the altar of “essential workers.”
Also, her threatening to not treat a patient because he wasn’t wearing a mask in public was apparently her biting her tongue. She had a lot more she’d like to say, but she can’t comment because it would be evidence.
Again, nurses were heroes long before the commie cold was a thing. The vast majority show up, do their job, sacrifice, and save lives. But if I were a nurse I would hate people like this more than life itself. And that includes all the coordinated Tik Tok videos. If you really want people to believe that this is a serious situation (it is) then put down the iPhones at work and stop using ratchet Facebook filters that tell people to “stay the fuck home.” This is the type of behavior I would expect if Landon Steele was a nurse. Be better than Landon Steele. It’s not exactly setting the bar high.
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