Poor Behavior

Millbury Man Takes Victory Lap After Soliciting Donations Of Animated Kiddie Porn For Local Libraries


This is Jeff Raymond from Millbury.

He writes a column for the Millbury-Sutton Chronicle and is president of Friends of the Millbury Public Library. A couple weeks ago he attracted attention when pornographic books geared towards children were not returned to the Millbury Public Library.

“Gender Queer” is animated graphic child pornography written by a gender confused activist with the goal of grooming children under the guise of being inclusive. Here are some excerpts from it:

There is no debate here – if you want this in a public library where kids can access it then you are a sexual deviant who has no business being around children. Period. This isn’t about “free speech,” it’s about protecting the innocence of young children. It’s about preventing a public institution (the library) from intentionally trying to indoctrinate children with left wing propaganda and groom them.

Jeff Raymond is one of these deviants, so he organized a book drive to see how many people he could get to donate animated kiddie porn to the public library.

He got other well known sexual deviants like Tracy Novick, Bill Shaner, and Jen Vacca to help him get the message out.

And the next thing you know he had a whole bunch of animated kiddie porn sent to his house so he could distribute it to local libraries.

When people pointed out that he was a disgusting pervert trying to groom children he got mad and whined to Twitter about it.

The irony of a man crying about censorship of kiddie porn, whining that Twitter doesn’t censor people with common sense.

Yesterday Jeff decided to do a victory lap on the Millbury Site Facebook group, where he bragged about what a hero he was and seemed to be holding the books hostage if he didn’t get more donations. He creepily stated at the end that this was a “good bedtime story.”

The thought of this man reading porn to his children for a bedtime story is deeply disturbing.

Newsflash – you’re not a hero because you organized a kiddie porn drive for local libraries. You’re actually a creep, and should be called out as such.



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