Milton Superintendent Who Pushed Critical Race Theory And Equity Audit Arrested For Choking School Employee, School Committee Won’t Condemn Domestic Violence

This is Milton Superintendent James Jette.
It was discovered this week that he was arrested at his Stoughton home on May 27 for beating up his girlfriend Patricia Paurus (an athletic trainer at Milton High School), and has been charged with assault and battery on a household or family member. After not initially saying anything the Milton School Committee decided to put him on paid leave for the time being.
The Milton School Committee voted Thursday to place Public Schools Superintendent James F. Jette on paid administrative leave after learning of his arrest in May on a misdemeanor domestic assault charge. Jette, of Stoughton, was arraigned May 27 in Stoughton District Court on a sole count of assault and battery on a family or household member. A not guilty plea was entered on his behalf and he was released on personal recognizance, legal filings show. According to the legal filings, Jette allegedly shoved his partner against a wall and put his hand on her neck during an argument over a broken plant pot. Neither Jette nor his lawyer responded to requests for comment Thursday.
This action should not be viewed as disciplinary or an indication of any adverse finding relative to Superintendent Jette or his actions,” the committee’s statement said.
“Due to the nature of the pending legal matter, it is not appropriate for the School Committee to comment on the specific allegations,” the statement said. “While we understand the preliminary information which has been shared is troubling, we also ask for our community’s patience as this process continues and request that you continue to respect the privacy rights of all involved in this matter.
Rosmarin said in a phone interview before the meeting that she “was recently made aware of this private legal matter involving the superintendent of schools.”
Private legal matter? Pretty sure it’s not so private now that he was arrested and charged.
According to a police report filed in the case, officers were called to the couple’s home around 1:20 a.m. on May 27 for a reported domestic assault. Police were met on the porch by Jette’s partner, who said she and Jette had dinner and watched a basketball game earlier in the evening and that they began arguing over the broken pot when she first arrived home around 9:30 p.m. Jette eventually went to bed and she followed him upstairs, where the argument escalated, the woman told police.
She said Jette at one point “pushed her back to a wall and placed his hand on her neck,” according to the report. She told police Jette’s hand was on her neck for about 20 to 30 seconds and never hindered her breathing. She took photos of her neck and indicated to police that Jette had never done anything like that before, according to the report.
An officer observed a red mark on the left side of her neck in the general area where she described being touched by Jette, according to the report.
“Jette seemed confused as to why he was under arrest,” the report read. “Jette stated that he has been asleep the whole time and the only reason that he woke up was because of his dogs barking once we (Police) arrived.
Reached by e-mail Thursday, Jette’s partner wrote that the May incident was a “personal matter” and that she and Jette “are perfectly fine.
A personal matter? You called the cops on him because he beat you up. After that it became a public matter, and he’s a public servant.
Why isn’t he in trouble for not reporting this earlier? Was he hoping they just never found out about it? It’s been almost two months and not a single person on the School Committee was made aware that the man running from the schools was facing this charge? Hard to believe. And what kind of school district allows the superintendent to date people under his employ?
Milton is an affluent, overwhelmingly liberal town, which means the clear folk there feel very good about themselves when they can tell their friends from other liberal white towns that they have a black superintendent. For that reason they’re being very careful not to jump to any conclusions about a domestic violence arrest that involved choking and red marks.
Turns out we wrote about Belinda in 2018 when she said the library was racist for having random acts of kindness day during black history month, and then again when she started a $4K GoFundMe for her kid’s birthday party.
During his brief tenure as superintendent Jette has earned favor in town by constantly obsessing about race, and earlier this year advocated for critical race theory to be taught in schools.
Leading the public education system in Milton, Jette sees the town as a “microcosm of the world as a whole” because of the diversity. His job is to advocate for students in his district from all backgrounds, but Jette has faced resistance in attempting to implement diversity, equity, and inclusion in Milton. Part of it was a misunderstanding between equality and equity, but others tried to hijack the narrative, he said.
“There are some people who try to steal that narrative and talk about critical race theory,” he said. “It’s not critical race theory — it’s culturally responsive teaching, implemented into an individual teacher’s craft. And what that means is acknowledging the students, their cultural identity, their identity as a whole. Their language. Their interests … It’s not a set curriculum. It’s just understanding and knowing who is before you.”
Translation – your race is primarily what defines you as a person, and our teachers are going to focus on that while pretending that we’re not teaching CRT.
Equity, in particular, is a frequently misunderstood concept that should not be confused with equality, Mr. Jette said.
“Equality means I give everybody in this room a pair of sneakers,” he said. “Equity means I am giving everybody a pair of sneakers that fit them.”
I must’ve missed the equity workshop where they started handing out free things to white people. Because every time I hear about equity it’s in the context of excluding white people due to the fact that they have advantages as a result of slavery.
Equity in education means providing access that allows students with different abilities to participate in the same activities, Mr. Jette said, using as comparisons the frequently-seen ramps for wheelchairs and the widely diverse finishing times among marathon runners.
“You don’t change the expectations,” he said. “You have high expectations for everybody.”
Translation – black people don’t have the same abilities as white people due to racism, so we’re gonna treat you like victims and give you things we’re not giving to white students because their grandparents were all racist.
Last year the district wasted time and money hiring a consultant to give a presentation about how racist the Milton public schools were because 26 of the 600+ black students were disciplined at some point during the year, there aren’t enough black teachers or Latinx students in AP classes, and the usual litany of grievances that keep “equity consultants” employed in the Racism-Industrial Complex. During a School Committee meeting about this topic last year a man named Rob Burke called in and gave them all a piece of his mind, and it was hilarious. (15 minute mark)
“All you people have a bad toxic belief system, and we’re gonna help you get rid of it, and I’ll say a prayer for you for your conversion with Mother Theresa, and I’ll bring some holy water for all you Marxists. Smile everybody, and thank you very much for nothing. Bye now, that was great.”
Anyway, James Jette should thank his lucky stars that he’s not white or else it would be a LOT easier for the white people who run the town to get rid of him. There’s nothing these people fear more than being called a racist, which is why not one of them could condemn this guy for getting arrested for choking his girlfriend. Ya know, because domestic violence victims don’t usually complain as loudly as race baiters.