Law and Order

Mom Who Shamed Enfield Police For Looking For Woman With Outstanding Warrants Failed To Show Up To Court Last Year For Burglary Arrest


Last week the Enfield Police Department put up a post on Facebook, as they do on every Warrant Wednesday, looking for a ratchet named Chelsey Dunn with outstanding warrants.

Yikes! Heidi Herpesaurus sure has gone downhill since getting shot in the bathroom.

Apparently some of the warrants are drug related, which almost definitely means she done robbed a few people to feed her “disease.” This upset a lot of people who blamed the cops for using social media to help find someone with outstanding warrants. One of them was a literal Karen.

Karen Testoni was not happy with the Enfield Police because apparently Heidi Herpesaurus is in recovery and thus her warrants no longer matter.


As you can see, she accused EPD of not reading the comments and challenged them to respond to her. It didn’t work out the way she planned.

“Let’s test it.”


She also was upset with people who pointed out that the wanted criminal looked like boy from American History X after bathing in a tub filled with Magic Johnson’s semen.

Yea, I’m sure she shaved her head in an attempt to look sexy. That’s it.

It’s unclear if Karen knew Heidi Herpesaurus, but she was defending her pretty hard. Then again it’s probably because she can relate due to her very recent history with burglary and failure to appear in court just last year.

From the looks of her Facebook page Karen isn’t a regular Mom, she’s a cool Mom. That’s why she’s a 54 year old woman who still gets arrested for petty crimes and shows up on Police Facebook pages to shame the police for shaming criminals. Takes one to know one.




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