Law and Order

Monica Cannon-Grant Issues First Public Statement Since Arrest And Arraignment On 18 Federal Charges, Blames People Who Want To Sleep With Her And No Longer Support Her 


Monica Cannon-Grant has posted publicly for the first time since her arrest and arraignment in federal court on 18 charges related to using her nonprofit Violence In Boston INC to defraud the community. Over the weekend she posted the following:




  • Dindu nuffin
  • The people who financially benefitted off of her fraud are no longer supporting her now that her reputation is officially shit, and she’s angry
  • If you screamed “f*** the police” before you should be screaming it louder now that the police have arrested Monica
  • Her power causes fear
  • The homeless people who came to her nonprofit for handouts are hypocrites for not having her back now that she’s no longer useful to them
  • She is “dying for money” (i.e. she thinks she will die in jail for stealing money)
  • She’s especially disappointed in black people
  • Black womxn (not a spelling mistake, this is how they spell women now to be inclusive of women with penises) like her are being attacked for being black womxn
  • She will never get out of bed to help another person, but getting out of bed was never her strong point to begin with
  • She has been lied on and character assassinated
  • She’s not being tried by the federal government for “legality’s,” but is instead being tried for “politics” because everyone knows the Biden government and Commonwealth of Massachusetts can’t stand liberal activists that help get democrats elected
  • She’s growing fonder of white people because she had 70 supporters at court and 90% of them were white
  • Her “success” had nothing to do with support from the community because she was wildly successful in spite of a lack of support from the community
  • She compares herself to Assata Shakur, who was convicted of killing a police officer before escaping from jail and living in exile in Cuba, and she expects this sort of support from the community
  • People still call her and ask her to lead protests because she’s a really important person
  • People checking in with her to make sure she’s OK are fake
  • She has more “heart, loyalty, and courage” than anyone else
  • The people who believe she’s guilty really just want to have sex with her with her well cooked meat wallet, which is undeniably true

Get in line boys!

Monica Cannon-Grant is doing exactly what we knew she would – ignoring sound legal advice to remain quiet. There was a 0.0% chance she would remain quiet because she’s a mentally unbalanced narcissist who truly believes that she’s the victim, and thinks she can talk her way out of anything because it’s worked so far in life. Unfortunately for her the grift no longer works because as she pointed out, she’s no longer useful to any of them. She used to be able to instill fear into cowards by threatening to call them racists if they didn’t cover for her, but since she no longer has any legitimacy nobody is scared by that anymore.

Monica was right when she said that her “success” had nothing to do with support from the community, because Monica never had success to begin with. This whole time she was nothing but a thief and a bully who was enabled by the community. But the community never actually liked or cared about her, which is why the only guy left is a 55 year old man named Supreme.


“I’m standing by her 100%, even if she did do something wrong.”

Looks like things are going well Monica.


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