Poor Behavior

Mother Of Alleged Barnstable Gang Rapist Blames Police For Arresting Her Son After He Posed With AR-15’s And Didn’t Turn Himself In On Warrant


This is Tanya Devine and her 18 year old son Daishawn Williams from Barnstable.

As you can tell from the fact that Tanya is a grown ass woman who still uses dog filter, she is a CNA, and thus has reproduced a plethora of times.

On May 13 Tanya was pulled over with Dai-Dai and the rest of her litter of welfare magnets in the backseat. Her car was surrounded by police drawing down with guns for reasons she did not explain when she began live streaming to Facebook.



OMG muh racism!


Yesterday the Cape Cod Times published a story with this headline:

“Video of Barnstable Police raising gun at family raises questions about tactics.”

It really doesn’t though. Contrary to popular belief ratchets posting non-sensical sentagraphs on Facebook does not constitute “raising questions about tactics.” Except it does with the Cape Cod Times, because they hire “reporters” like Beth Treffeisen.

In her unnecessarily long essay Treffeisen interviews a bunch of college professors to see what they think about police tactics, something they have no background in whatsoever. This is what you get from “journalists” in 2021 – a basic white chick in her 20’s who will work for cheap before she asks for a cost of living raise and Gatehouse Media throws her out and replaces her with the next gender studies grad from Emerson.


I won’t link the story because it’s trash, but it’s written from the perspective of Tanya Devine, and presents her as a responsible and loving mother and CNA who was on her way to the grocery store when the trigger happy racist cops pulled her over and arrested her son on a warrant. It mentioned race several times, and how scared for their lives they were, but it only mentioned what the warrant was for once – aggravated rape.


Since then the Hyannis News, which is not corporate owned BLM propaganda, published the real story.

During a carefully planned felony, or “high risk,” May 13th traffic stop, Daishawn Williams, age 18, of Hyannis was arrested and charged with several serious felonies, including one count of Aggravated Rape, two counts of Indecent Assault & Battery on a Person 14-Years-Old or Older, Assault & Battery with a Dangerous Weapon, an additional count of Assault & Battery, and Larceny from a Building.

Police had obtained two warrants for Williams, a search warrant and felony arrest warrant, both resulting from an investigation into the May 2nd aggravated rape allegations. During their investigation, Barnstable Police also became aware of a troubling online video showing Williams in possession of what appeared to be firearms. The violent nature of the alleged crimes, coupled with the now very real possibility of firearms, made the apprehension and arrest of Williams a potentially lethal situation for everyone involved.

The main concern was now safety. Officers had the option of making the arrest at or inside William’s residence, but that wasn’t the safest option due to the likelihood of potentially lethal, unknown circumstances and variables. Intelligence on Williams, including combined training and experience, led officers toward a more controlled option, a planned felony traffic stop, with plenty of tactically deployed police resources on hand to diminish any notions of aggression or flight on the part of Williams.

On May 13th, the day of the arrest, the arrest team received a tip that Williams was in a particular car. Police did not know who else was inside the car with Williams, but were prepared with many well-informed, well-trained police officers on hand. And their calculations to diminish hazards, along with a well-executed plan, payed off; Williams was safely taken into custody.

As with any felony arrest, there are unforeseen variables that may jeopardize safety if not carefully planned for. In the case of the Williams arrest, there were other occupants inside of the vehicle at the time of the arrest, including his mother, a friend, and two children. Fortunately, Williams was immediately convinced to cooperate with the arresting officers’ lawful, court warranted commands. 

As you will see and hear in the following HN Video from the early morning of the alleged crimes – May 2nd, 2021 – Barnstable Police rushed to a Hyannis area hotel for reports of an ongoing sexual assault in one of the rooms. When HN arrived on scene, several police cruisers were already in the vicinity, apparently searching for the alleged suspects who had already left the area. After several minutes, HN was approached by a young adult male walking barefoot, appearing upset. According to the young man, who said he was still scared and shaking from what had just occurred, he had just learned his girlfriend was sexually assaulted in one of the rooms, held down and “gang raped” by three to four males who had already fled the area prior to police arriving on scene. “Gang raped” were the words he repeated. It was a harrowing, emotionally charged scene. And the allegations were alarming, to say the least.


Turns out her son is a bit of a gang rapist and an aspiring rapper who uses unregistered AR-15’s as props in his music videos. The police knew this was a dangerous arrest because people like this often don’t go peacefully knowing how much jail time awaits them, so instead of executing the warrant at their section 8 lair where something could go wrong, the police waited until they got in the BMW and made a traffic stop. They did everything they could to decrease the chances someone would get hurt while apprehending Rapey McWilliams.

Generally it’s a good idea to lay low if one of your son is arrested for taking part in a gang rape. But Momma Meat Washer took a different approach and began commenting not only on her page, but on the Hyannis News Facebook page, insisting her rapist son was the victim.

It wasn’t his AR-15, they just used his car to film it. Big misunderstanding. And her son shouldn’t be arrested until the rest of the rapists are arrested too.

She forgot to mention that he’s had a warrant out for a while, and she knew this and could’ve turned him in at any time. Instead she chose to harbor him in her home and is now mad that the police took this dangerous rapist off the streets. But if you brought this up you were a racist Trump supporter, of course.

According to Tanya her son wasn’t on the run, he just had a warrant out for felony rape and didn’t feel like going to jail.

Uhoh, a guy named after a residential neighborhood is offering legal advice for a deformation lawsuit, and boy, does he look like he means business!

Eat your heart out Attorney Richard N. Vulva, because Suburbia Jones is the new Facebook slander sheriff in town.

She’s also getting help from a woman called Dayvus.

Remember when these people told us that we had to “believe women?” Good times.

What nobody seems to be mentioning is that Dai-Dai was arrested when he was 15 years old for something so serious that he had $2,500 bail, which his BMW Mom couldn’t afford despite having a court appointed attorney. Just like in this case, Tanya Devine failed to mention what exactly happened, other than insisting to her rapey son was innocent.

As you can see she graduated from the Monica Cannon-Grant school of detective work, in which third hand text messages constitute evidence of innocence.

So what do you do when your child gets locked up for assaulting someone with his homies? Start a GoFundMe of course.

Unfortunately she can’t do that this time around because he’s being held without bail, due to the fact that he is a dangerous gang rapist, and has been a violent thug since his younger years. Instead of holding him accountable for his behavior Tayna Devine blamed his victims and bailed him out of jail with GoFundMe’s. Consequently he grew up to believe that there was nothing wrong with his behavior, and a woman’s body was his if he wanted it.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries