Natick School Committee Member Wants Street Named After Doug Flutie Changed Because He Tried Having Sex With Her And Campaigns For Herschell Walker

Former Boston College football legend Doug Flutie is probably the most famous and beloved person to ever come out of Natick. He even has a very short street named after him called Flutie Pass that brings you to the Natick Mall. But there are some in town who want the street name to be changed because of this:
Flutie endorsed a black man for US Senate in a state 1,000 miles away. Big no-no.
There’s also this:
Flutie played for a Canadian Football League team owned by Donald Trump 37 years ago. Like many celebrities, Flutie is personal friends with both Trump and Walker. But since they belong to the wrong political party, Flutie Pass must be completely erased from the town of Natick, according to Charlene Gottlieb.
Charlene is everything you imagined an upper middle class menopausal white liberal from Natick would be. She was furious with Bill Belichick when he pointed out that vaccine mandates for players were dumb because the vaccines didn’t do anything to stop players from getting COVID.
How dare he suggest the vaccine “isn’t everything it’s said to be.” His job requires him to be salesmen for Pfizer! Just take the vaccine or you’re stupid and deserve to die!
She’s the good guy. Doug Flutie, who has given millions of dollars away to children’s charities, is the bad guy.
Charlene is also really concerned about the racial oppression that white millionaires like Meghan Markle had to endure from people in the media.
She regularly spreads misinformation, like how a Capitol police officer was murdered by having his skull crushed in on January 6, while claiming to be offended by misinformation from people like Bill Belichick.
She was deeply offended by Nazi comparisons from people who had their businesses shut down for no reason.
Even though she regularly compares anyone she disagrees to Nazis and slave owners.
She was the face of COVID insanity, and doesn’t feel the least bit sorry, or stupid for it now that we know that lockdowns and masks did nothing to stop the spread of COVID. Her fear of a virus that posed no threat to children, and her blind devotion to Tony Fauci, were the reason your children missed a year of school.
She’s upset that police officers weren’t voting for the political party that aligned with communist street mobs that looted and burned major American cities, and called for the defunding of the police.
She also wants to call the National Guard up in Massachusetts while she plays the philanthropist abortion fairy.
Seems like a rational person we should listen to.
This is Natick School Committee member Cathi Collins.
As you can see, she is a big proponent of “the current thing,” and is a better person than you are because she supports never ending war in Eastern Europe, and wears an obedience mask while sitting alone in her house. She also wants the street named to be changed, but for a different reason.
Doug Flutie tried to have sex with her! He was a Heisman Trophy winner who played professional football and could probably have any woman he wanted, so naturally he wanted Cathi! And who can blame him?
But alas she was out of his league.
Cathi is also an amazingly kind person who makes lowly paid employees feel good about themselves just by saying hello.
That DEFINITELY happened. Just like Doug Flutie tried to boink her on the same night 40 years ago that Christine Blasey-Ford got briefly dry humped by Brett Kavanaugh.