New Hampshire Judge Grants Custody To Online Hooker Mom Who Abandoned 3 Year Old Daughter And Dates Gangbangers, Judge Previously Denied Order Leading To Woman Being Shot By Ex-Boyfriend

Editor’s Note: The family have since created a petition voicing concern for Everly’s safety. We also is discussed this topic on the Live Show (46:00)
This is Samantha George, originally from Arlington, MA, but with familial connections to New Hampshire.
In 2015 when she was 16 years old she made the news as a missing child who had reportedly run away with a man she met online. She was found 2 weeks later.
Samantha is now a 23 year old woman with three children – 2 sons (with one man) and a younger daughter (with another man) named Everly. Neither father stuck around or is in the picture. Sam made no attempt to be a mother to her two boys, who were taken in by her mother Barbara in Methuen, and are in the process of being adopted.
Samantha left her two boys behind and moved to Indiana in 2018 where she got knocked up and had Everly in 2019. She and Everly lived with her gang-banging boyfriend James Jones in an Indianapolis apartment in what can best be described as a tumultuous and dangerous environment. Here’s a picture they shared on social media of him pointing a gun at the camera.
When Everly was a baby Jones posted a video on Instagram of himself locked in the bathroom, trying to hide from a crying, swearing Samantha. Notice in the comments that Samantha says that Everly is sleeping while this loud disturbance was happening.
James Jones involvement in gang activity ended up with him being murdered last year, and consequently he is no longer in the picture.
In December of 2019 Samantha overdosed (supposedly on Benadryl) and Everly was put in foster care in Indianapolis. As part of her court ordered reunification plan Samantha began to do virtual visits with Everly. She told her relatives in New England that she was getting Everly back and moving back to the New Hampshire/Massachusetts area to live with a friend in New Hampshire. In May of 2020 she packed up her things with Everly in a U-Haul truck and drove back to New England. Everly rode in the back unrestrained with friends of hers who came along for the ride.
Samantha’s stay at her friend’s house in New Hampshire was short lived and she ended up getting thrown out within a week. Unemployed, and unable to afford an apartment of her own, Samantha made plans to live with a friend in Manchester while a friend of her’s in Lowell watched Everly.
This horrible plan prompted Samantha’s family to step in to protect the child. Her cousin Angela Auger, who has kids of her own, lives in Somersworth, NH and agreed to take in Everly. Angela applied for and received legal guardianship a judge in Dover Probate Court in May of 2020.
For almost a year after that Samantha completely disappeared. She moved back to Indianapolis and made no attempts to communicate with Everly, who was a stranger to her at this point.
Samantha made her choice to abandon her daughter, just like she did with her sons. It was clearly for the best since Everly was bonding with her older brothers and extended family in Methuen and Somersworth. The bond between siblings is unbreakable, and Everly loves her brothers very much.
In February of 2021 Sam’s cousin Angela Auger established permanent legal guardianship over Everly after Samantha blew off the hearing. Things were fine until March of 2021 when Samantha decided that she wanted to reunite with Everly and take her back to Indiana, away from the only world and family she knew. She filed a petition to end Angela’s guardianship in Dover Probate Court that month, but was denied because she didn’t have the ability to provide for Everly’s basic needs, and had not seen or made any effort to contact her daughter in a year.
After that Samantha knew that if she wanted to extricate Everly from the happiness of her home and family that she would need to show the court that she had steady income and could care for her daughter. It was around this time that she launched her new career as an online hooker on Only Fans. Links to her account are advertised on her Facebook page, where you can see that she and her friend offer a 2 girl discount for $1,000 an hour, or $750 for 30 minutes.
Her Facebook page is filled with comments from her horny, thirsty clients.
But Sam was making good money, which was all that mattered. In October of 2021 she once again applied to terminate Angela Auger’s guardianship. This time the court ordered a Reunification Plan wherein Samantha would make weekly phone calls to Everly, and would have increasing parenting time moving from supervised to unsupervised visits.
A Review Hearing was scheduled for March 7, 2022. The court was impressed with the fact that Samantha had established financial stability and could afford to fly frequently to New Hampshire to see Everly. The court appointed Attorney Amy Driscoll to be Guardian ad Litem (GAL), for the purposes of observing Sam’s visits with Everly and reporting back to the court about the child’s comfortability and familiarity with her birth mother.
Samantha has never slept under the same roof as Everly abandoning her for over a year. Their time together has consisted of 30 minute playdates. Nevertheless, she pretends to be a real mother for likes on social media, including this Mother’s Day Facebook post during one of her supervised visits:
On May 20 Samantha once again filed a motion to terminate Angela Auger’s guardianship of Everly. She posted this the day before:
And this the day after:
In her motion she stated that reunification “will not affect Everly’s psychological well-being,” which is unfounded and untrue. Anyone with or without kids knows full well the psychological damage it would cause to separate a girl from her brothers and family like that. A loving mother would do what was best for her child, not for her. If she truly wanted to reunite with Everly then she would move back to New Hampshire, get a legitimate job here, and attempt to establish a real relationship with her family and her daughter. Instead she wants her to move to Indianapolis (a place she has no family support) where she can sleep in the other room while her mother has sex with Johns.
According to the court documents we’ve obtained “Ms. George is doing well,” because she “is employed and has an appropriate apartment with a nice room set up for Everly.” She did not have to provide the court with pay stubs or evidence that she has a real job, and it was not brought up at the hearing by the GAL that her job is a hooker. Samantha George does not have a license because she owes $324 to the RMV, but she somehow allegedly owns two vehicles, according to her testimony in probate court.
The GAL testified that Samantha and Everly have a “sweet connection,” during her 30 minute observations at a kid’s place in Hampton. Sam was described in court documents by the GAL as “calm and patient,” as if a person trying to regain custody of their child can’t put on a show for 30 minutes. The GAL stated that Samantha gave them a virtual tour of her apartment, and said that it was clean and that Everly’s room had a bed, toys, and clothes. Samantha told the GAL that she could afford to put Everly in daycare.
However, the GAL still advised against reunification because Everly was “comfortable where she is and it is what she knows,” and that “termination of guardianship could potentially be psychologically damaging to Everly.” Angela Auger testified in court that guardianship should remain in place because she doesn’t trust her cousin Sam, and that uprooting Everly from her life would not be in the child’s best interest.
The prostitution wasn’t mentioned by the GAL court, nor was the fact that Samantha’s latest boyfriend is a man named Anthony Warfield, who was arrested and charged with selling meth and unlawful possession of a firearm by a serious violent felon, 2 days before she filed for custody.
Clearly she not changed. She still dates dangerous men who she exposes to children. The only difference now is that she has money because she started selling her body online.
But none of that mattered to Judge Polly Hall. According to her ruling on August 9, Samantha had “proven by a preponderance of evidence that Everly’s psychological will not be adversely affected by terminating the guardianship.” She didn’t elaborate on that was proven, or what the evidence was. Judge Hall has spent no time with Everly and is not a trained psychologist or social worker. She ignored the advice of family and the GAL and simply took the word of an online hooker who lives with gang banging felons who end up getting shot.
Judge Hall went on to state that the court must follow New Hampshire law:
“The fundamental liberty of parents in the custody of their children does not evaporate because they have not been model parents.”
Judge Hall stated that “even though their parenting skills are less than ideal, biological parents are presumed to be fit parents until they are found to be unfit under RSA 169-C (abuse and neglect).”
But if abandoning your child for a year, moving 1,000 miles away, and making absolutely no attempts at having any sort of relationship during that time isn’t neglect, then what is neglect?
Judge Polly Hall, whose salary is $152,159, was in the news last year for her poor judgment that led to the shooting of a woman in Hampton. In October 2021 the 33 year old Lindsay Smith applied for a restraining order against her ex-boyfriend Richard Lorman. She provided the court with police reports detailing domestic abuse, and claimed that Lorman screamed, ‘I’m going to (expletive) up your whole life. Everything you hold dear, I will (expletive) it up.”
Smith also alleged that Lorman talked about “previous acts of violence in his past related to criminal organizations,” and that in an attempt at intimidation, Lorman “reorganized his guns in front of” her. She she was concerned Lorman “will resort to violence in this revengeful mindset where he has lost control,” and added that Lorman “previously attempted suicide . . . demonstrating an attitude of ‘nothing to lose’ with a disregard for consequences.”
Despite all of this evidence Judge Hall denied the order because, “(Hall) understood the plaintiff’s expressed fear for her physical safety to be a generalized fear about what the defendant might do in the future, rather than a specific fear of imminent violence as required to establish a credible present threat.”
As if explicit threats to harm and access to guns wasn’t specific enough to create a fear of violence.
On November 15 Richard Lorman stalked Lindsay Smith at her work in Salem, approached her as she was leaving, and shot her in the head. He then turned the gun on himself and committed suicide. She survived and is still recovering.
Governor Chris Sununu, who appointed Hall in 2017, launched an investigation into Judge Hall’s failure to protect a woman who was pleading for help.
“What happened … is an absolute tragedy and my thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. As soon as this was brought to our attention, I immediately contacted the judicial branch and confirmed this matter is being reviewed to the fullest extent possible.”
An internal review committee issued a ruling weeks later that Polly Hall “reasonably applied the law” in denying the order. However, they also stated that she would’ve reasonably applied the law had she granted the order as well:
“Lindsay went to court in New Hampshire, where she lives, on Sept. 21 and begged Judge Polly Hall for a restraining order, but Hall said no. Lindsay’s affidavit explained how 6-foot, 275-pound Lorman subjected her to years of abuse, including violent and coerced sex. She explained that she recently told Lorman she was leaving him, after which he threatened her, saying he would “make her pay” and “f*** up her whole life, and everything she held dear.” Lindsay owned the house where she lived with Lorman, but she was so frightened she moved out. Lorman then began a pattern of intimidation and harassment against Lindsay, her family, friends and co-workers. Lorman didn’t even show up for the restraining order hearing, but Judge Hall denied Lindsay’s request for protection. A few weeks later, Lorman shot Lindsay in the head.”
Clearly Judge Hall has learned nothing from the fact that her lack of judgment ended up with a woman being shot in the head.
Last year Governor Sununu blasted the Massachusetts Courts for granting custody of 5 year old Harmony Montgomery to her abusive, drug addicted father, after the girl was reported missing 2 years later:
In the letter, which was sent to Kimberly Budd, chief justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, Sununu expressed “grave concerns” about the ongoing investigation into the missing girl. He cited a February 2019 decision by a judge in Lawrence that “abruptly” gave sole custody of Harmony to her father while the New Hampshire Division for Children, Youth and Families was in the middle of conducting a home study of Adam Montgomery and his then-wife Kayla Montgomery.
“It is unclear why the Massachusetts courts moved so quickly with this permanent placement prior to the completion of the home study,” Sununu said. “Why would the Massachusetts court choose to place custody of Harmony with this horrible individual? What caused such a fateful decision?”
But now a judge that he appointed in his state, who has a recent history of poor judgment that nearly got a woman killed, is once again reuniting a young child with an unfit parent without any background research. What will happen to Everly once she’s forcefully moved from the only world she knows to live in a crime infested midwestern city where her hooker mother neglects her in order to blow strangers on the Internet for money? Samantha doesn’t even seem to like children either:
If this child is forcibly taken from her home it will be a tragedy. Clearly the state of New Hampshire has learned nothing from the Harmony Montgomery and Lindsay Smith cases. How many children have to die before Governor Sununu stops covering up for judges he appointed and starts holding them accountable? Feel free to contact the Attorney Amy Driscoll, who didn’t bring any of this information up in court, to ask her why she’s not fighting to stop this: