New Hampshire Woman Who Says She Was Assaulted By 2 Men Dressed As Construction Workers In Viral FB Post Also Posted Similar Story 3 Years Ago On IG

A Loudon, NH woman named Alexis George reports that she was assaulted by two men, one of who was disguised as a construction worker, who attempted to kidnap her yesterday while she was out driving around.
Goodness gracious! You can’t even go for a ride in New Hampshire without someone pretending to be a construction worker and his buddy lying in wait trying to drag you out of your car, choke you, beat you up, and try to kidnap you. Thank God that other driver pulled up and they got scared off and ran away.
Some may think it’s suspicious that her eye doesn’t look red at all despite all the swelling, and that it looks like she may have applied blue makeup under her eye.
Not me though. I believe women.
Sure, she never called the police, but she did post about it on Facebook, went for it to go viral, and then the cops came to her. That’s what victims do in the digital era. Calling the police is overrated.
What about the people in the car behind her? I guess they witnessed this horrific incident and everyone just went on their way.
You would think that it would make the news, or the police would put out some sort of all points bulletin if men pretending to be construction workers were out on the loose looking for stray women to kidnap from their vehicles. But she wrote it on the Internet, so it must be true.
If you’re an imaginary man dressing as a construction worker who goes around choking women out in Loudon, NH, just know that your days are numbered because Joseph Ortega does not play games with b**** a** p****es.
A lot of people were skeptical of the story, as they believed that Alexis was an attention starved woman looking for Facebook likes. Luckily others, like myself, who believe everything they see on Facebook, rushed to her defense.
“The scratches look real to me.”
Me too. I find it completely plausible that two men climbed through her passenger side door, reached across the seat, choked her, and it resulted in scratching and a black eye. And the fact that she did not simply drive away, contact the police, or give a description of the men who did this certainly doesn’t make her story any less credible.
Girl, your name is Hannah Huskie. There’s nothing I can say or do to you right now that can be worse than named Hannah Huskie. Class dismissed.
Right. The person using logic and reason is the one who looks ignorant here, not the white chick with a BLM filter who blindly believes everything she reads on Facebook.
“I do not give a flying a** f*** if you think this is fake or not….”
Look at Bryan with Y, just because you’re on your way to becoming a chick, doesn’t mean you have to believe all women just yet.
Another woman posted what it really looks like to have black eyes, but of course she was called out for her insensitivity as well.
Good point Alexandria. Voicing skepticism and pointing out facts are useless, unlike your comment which was productive and insightful.
It’s also totally not shady that she posted a different version of the same story three years ago.
This poor girl has terrible luck. She can’t leave her house in the quiet town of Loudon without some mongoloid drunk on toxic masculinity punching her in the face. It’s a real epidemic.
She also posted this in April.
But I’m sure this time she’s not seeking for attention and sympathy.
She saw all the people who were skeptical of her story, provided no proof that she contacted the cops, and didn’t answer any questions. However, she did continue to look for sympathy, so I still believe her.
She claimed to have a video of something, but never shared what it was.
Doesn’t matter to me though, because I believe women.
And by nightfall the light blue under her eyes had magically transformed into a dark blue and red, which looked more like bruising.
Just kidding. She obviously made the whole thing up, and one of two things probably happened here:
- She did this to herself for attention
- Her boyfriend/husband/fiance did this to her and she’s covering for him.
His name is Dylan Burr, and I couldn’t find any criminal history on him. If that’s the case then I’m inclined to believe that she just made this entire thing up from scratch, and now she’s gotten people suspicious about him too. Have a nice life dude!
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This is posted from Concord Police Dept,
Concord NH Police Department
3 hrs ·
On June 17, at approximately 3:45 p.m. it was reported to the Concord Police that a lone female operating a motor vehicle on Hoit Rd. in the area between the Hoit Rd. marsh and Tallant Rd. was assaulted earlier in the day at approximately 2:40 p.m. According to the victim she was assaulted by who she described as two to three construction workers wearing reflective vests who appeared to be doing work in the area. It has been confirmed that there were in fact construction workers in this area during the time the alleged incident occurred.
The Concord Police are asking for the community’s assistance. According to the victim there was a witness to this incident who was traveling directly behind her.
Anyone with any information is asked to contact the Concord Police at 225-8600 or the Concord Regional Crimeline at 226-3100.
The incident is currently under investigation.
Take this down. You can’t just use people’s pictures to humiliate them.
Take this down
Ask before you use people’s pictures