Poor Behavior

Newburyport Principal Writes Email To Faculty Explaining That Diversity Coach The District Paid $56K For Told Him To Say The N Word At Meeting To “Step Into His Discomfort”


Fox News published a story earlier in the week about Congressional Republicans who were grilling Miguel Cardona, Joe Biden’s Education Secretary, about his use of COVID funds for woke initiatives in public schools.

Republicans are demanding more information from President Biden’s Department of Education amid reports that blue states across the country are using billions of taxpayer dollars from the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package to push core tenets of critical race theory (CRT) in public schools.

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, which the Democrats passed in March 2021 without any Republican support, was billed by the Democratic Party as a necessity for reopening schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, as Fox News Digital reported in April, the law provided over $122 billion for the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER), which helped multiple states implement “implicit bias” and “anti-racism” training, among other programs.

Normally a national story like this wouldn’t be something that I blog about, but one of the examples given by Republicans was the Newburyport Public Schools, which spent $56,800 in COVID relief funding to hire a woke consultant who coached the white principal to use the n word at a faculty meeting.

The letter, signed by Republican Rep. James Comer, a ranking member of the Committee on Oversight and Reform, and Republican Rep. Virginia Foxx, a ranking member of the Committee Education and Labor, cited one example from Newburyport, Massachusetts, where the school district there spent at least $56,800 in ESSER funds to hire a consultant who apparently coached a high school principal to use a racial slur in front of other faculty members in order to help him “lean” into his “discomfort.”

Ya got that? To combat racism we have to pay racist people to teach principals how to use racial slurs. This is Newburyport High School Principal Andrew Wulf.

He’s a useful idiot white guy that the diversity company the district paid to do consulting saw as an easy target from a mile away.

This is Michael Eatman:

He’s a scammer who runs a diversity coaching company that milks cash from white guilt-laden liberals who think they can get the racism virus removed from their bodies like a woke exorcism. To illustrate just how stupid and ill informed he is, here’s a Facebook post he made last year after Kyle Rittenhouse was justifiably found not guilty for defending himself in Kenosha, WI.

“Kyle Rittenhouse, who broke the law…”

Stop right there. Kyle Rittenhouse never broke any laws. That was the whole purpose of the trial. He “crossed state lines” to go to the city where his father lived because it was 5 minutes from his mother’s house in Illinois. He “killed two people,” in self defense because they were trying to kill him, including one convicted pedophile who was yelling racial slurs minutes before. Kyle was only a victim in the sense that he was nearly lynched by the woke media, but he killed those white losers specifically so that he would not be their victim.

Anyone who posts something this stupid shouldn’t be allowed to drive a car, never mind be a “coach” for a high school principal.

We got ahold of an email Principal Wulf sent to the entire faculty last January, apologizing for using the n word, and explaining that he was encouraged to do so by diversity expert Michael Eatman. It’s one of the most emasculating and pathetic things I’ve ever read.

This is what it looks like get cuckholded by someone without having to watch them have sex with your wife. I  have never read anything this sad and humiliating.

“With the coaching I am receiving from Michael Eastman I am learning to lean into my own I discomfort which includes being able to talk about the n word.”

This isn’t diversity training, it’s a struggle session. It’s a man who has completely abandoned the idea of thinking for himself because a black man, who he believes represents the views of all black people, is telling him what to do. Imagine being a fully grown high school principal who got to where you are through years of professional development and classroom experience, and having to call another grown man “coach,” because he tells you what to say. Have some pride man.

“Michael asked that I name it (the n word) in order to tackle its complexity.”

It’s not complex at all, really. It’s just an ugly word that is no longer socially acceptable because people evolve over time. But I guess Michael Eatman has to get paid and wants to sound more enlightened than he actually he is, so this is what he tells dumb, naive white people like Andrew Wulf. He knows they can’t argue with the coach, because to do so would be white supremacy, or something.

“I learned how my own fear to say something wrong inhibited my capacity to deal with and respond to explosive language.”

It’s wrong to say the n word. You don’t need to say it out loud at a faculty meeting to have the “capacity to deal with and respond” to it. If you have to literally yell racial slurs out loud to know that they are bad then you shouldn’t be a principal in the first place.

“This will be an area we will learn and grow in together.”

I’ve heard North Korean prisoner confessions more authentic than that email.

The scary part here is that Andrew Wulf believes that Michael Eatman is some sort of enlightened and deep thinker. He would NEVER think to question anything his “coach” said, and he will then force those values on his staff. Michael Eatman literally could’ve told this guy to buck like a chicken to fix racism and he would’ve done it. We need real leaders in charge of our public schools, not cowardly beta men like Andrew Wulf.


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