Newton Woman Accuses Turtleboy Of “Digitally Lynching” White Newton North High School Principal For Criticizing His Racist, Pedophile-Apologist Email
A couple weeks ago we published a blog about Newton North High School Principal Henry Turner, after he wrote this ridiculous email the day that Kyle Rittenhouse was justifiably acquitted on all charges for defending himself from violent pedophiles at the Kenosha riots.
Have you thought about how you are going to respond to the #RittenhouseVerdict tomorrow morning?
My post: 5 Social Justice Leadership Actions to Respond to a National Event in Your School #futureready #ChangeTheNarrative #msaachat
— Henry Turner (he/him/his) (@turnerhj) November 22, 2021
He followed that up with an email announcing that Newton North would be sanctioning discriminatory and racially segregated meetings that specifically ban white students and teachers from attending.
This is not only factually untrue and unprofessional, but extremely racist. It makes kids who agree with the verdict feel unwelcomed and isolated, because there must be something wrong with them if they feel that way. The leader of the school is telling them that supporting a not guilty verdict makes them racist. Read the last blog if you want to read my thoughts on how silly and absurd it is for a principal of a public high school to email students and staff in order to denounce due process and the justifiable killing of violent white pedophiles.
Since then there has been great blowback to the blog, starting with this email sent out to all teachers and parents by Superintendent David Fleishman.
“The role of race in the event.”
Every person shot, and the shooter himself, was white.
“The reality is that this verdict had a significant impact on many members of our Newton Public Schools community.”
No, it did not. Not a single person was impacted by a jury decision in Wisconsin. Not one.
“We have a responsibility to ensure that our students, staff, and families of color feel seen and heard.”
Oh OK. So no matter what a person of color has to say, the district is required to let them send it in an email to every single student and teacher in the district. Is that right? Sounds like they’ve thought that one through.
“We acknowledge the need for students to learn more about the context of the case and to provide space for them to process and discuss it.”
Actually, you’re not doing that at all. If you were providing space for kids to look at the details of the case they’d see that he was obviously not guilty. Instead you’re creating racially segregated grievance sessions where black students are encouraged to self victimize because a white guy killed a white pedophile and a white domestic abuser in a state they’ve never been to.
By the way, this same superintendent called the police in February when someone sent a letter to a teacher at the school that said, “all lives matter.” Now the school is holding grieving sessions because 2 white guys got killed, because apparently they believe that all lives matter.
Afterwards Principal Turner himself responded to the blog:
“My response to the recent verdict in the Rittenhouse case is consistent with information and messages we have shared when other national events like this have occurred,” said Turner. “It is also reflective of my personal experience as a person of color.”
Wait a minute….as a person of color?
Seriously? If race is a spectrum this guy is a lot closer to Vanilla Ice than he is to MC Hammer.
He continued.
While I recognize that others may not have seen this event as a matter of race, it was and is considered a matter of race, particularly by our students and staff of color.”
Two white guys getting shot and killed by a white guy is considered a matter of race because white people like me say it is. OK then.
“This verdict comes in the context of protests highlighting the inequities and the systemic racism in our judicial and government systems,” he continued. “We have a commitment as a school and as a district to recognize these inequities and to ensure our students have the tools they need to think critically and thoughtfully about these complex issues.”
Inequity in the justice system is when people who entered the Capitol on January 6 and hurt nobody are serving 5 years in prison, while people who burned and looted entire communities got their bail paid for by Kamala Harris, and their charges dropped by Soros funded DA’s.
Now of course the white principal of Newton North is claiming he got racist messages about his email about a white guy killing two black guys, and the Globe wrote about it.
This led to a spirited discussion from a woman named Kimberly Smith, who has never seen a virtue signaling Facebook filter she won’t use to try to make it look like she cares about anyone but herself:
All she’s missing now is the 2015 “I saved France from ISIS” filter.
Kimberly was very upset that the blog we published was shared on a community Facebook group she is a moderator in. She believes that Turtleboy is an “extremist, white supremacist,” and is too “dangerous” to be shared on the page.
All I did was criticize the white principal of Newton North for segregating children by race and lying to the community about what happened in Kenosha. I’m not a white supremacist since I grew up in the diverse community of Worcester. Kimberly on the other hand chose to live in an affluent white Boston suburb because she is in fact a racist member of the KKK. Stop being racist Kimberly.
Editor’s note – I have no idea if she’s in the KKK, but if you go around calling me a white supremacist I’m either calling you a Klansman or a pedophile. I play on the field you choose. If you want to do this thing where we just make things up about each other I can do that too. Be civil and I will be civil to you in return.
She continued…
Newsflash – I have 3 Facebook pages with almost 70,000 followers, and a Twitter account that just passed 10,000 followers. But please Kimberly, lecture us more about what is and isn’t fake news.
The article accused the white principal of liking child rape because he took time out of his day to write an email defending this man, who raped 5 boys between the ages of 9-11, and had just been released from prison for raping said boys.
Personally, I don’t care when child rapists are killed while trying to run after fleeing 17 year old boys. Henry Turner does, and thinks it’s email worthy.
Finally she ended it by accusing me of “digitally lynching” the white principal.
If I’m upsetting people like this then I’m doing my job. Calling Henry Turner a racist pedophile-apologist is probably the nicest and most accurate thing I could possibly say about him.
Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. If you like what we do and want to support free speech feel free to hit the donation button. Or just buy this award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: