Law and Order

NH Democrats Hid Transgender Nashua State Rep’s Recent Arrests For Stalking, Violating Restraining Order, Calling In Bomb Threats To Hospital From Voters


This Stacie Marie Laughton from Nashua.

Stacie is a man who calls himself a woman, but makes very little attempt to pass as one. Nevertheless, he has parlayed his identity as a “transgender woman” into a political career, as he has been elected to be a Selectmen in Nashua, and a New Hampshire State Representative.

The New Hampshire House of Representatives is by far the biggest in the country, despite having one of the smallest populations. There are 400 members, far outpacing second place Pennsylvania, which has 203. Proportionally every member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives represents less than people than any state rep in the country. Each member represents roughly 3,000 people, whereas in Massachusetts its 40,000 people. Being a State Rep in NH is a part time job that pays just $200 a year, so only someone who desires power while having ample free time and another source of revenue would want to be elected.

Stacie was first elected in 2012. His primary campaign message was “vote for me because although I’m a 28 year old man who lives with his parent, I think I’m a woman, and it would be cool to be the first transgender legislator in the country.”

“I live at home with family and my miniature dacshund Winston. I am the first openly transgender female to serve as a selectman in Nashua. I am also the first openly transgender to run for state office.”

Because he comes from one of the bluest parts of the state he easily finished in the top 3, and became a historic first.

He was showered with praise by communist media outlets like the Huffington Post for his historic, glass breaking defeat of a Republican woman. However, shortly after getting elected Laughton announced that he wasn’t going to take office after it became public that he had 3 felony convictions for credit card fraud in 2008. The next day he announced that ACTUALLY he was going to keep the seat, but then the day after that he changed his mind again and wrote a letter of resignation. In his farewell interview he said that he didn’t lie about his felony convictions, but failed to mention them because nobody asked. However, he did say that he would be running again at some point.

In 2015 Stacie was arrested again for calling in fake bomb threats to a hospital that was treating him for bipolar disorder. He said it was out of character for him to do such a thing, and received a 6 month suspended sentence.

“I wasn’t trying to hurt anyone,” Laughton told the Union Leader, adding she is remorseful for her actions. “It was totally out of character for me.”

But that didn’t stop him from running for State Rep again in 2020. Instead of looking for better candidates the Democratic Party pushed Stacie as part of their 3 man ticket. In spite of his felony convictions he easily defeated the Republican challengers in an election in which a record amount of voters showed up due to Trump’s re-election campaign.

Because in party politics the only thing that matters is the letter next to your name.

However, shortly after getting elected Stacie was arrested again, this time for sending false emergency text messages to 911.

Despite his long and documented criminal history Stacie was appointed to be a pastor in the Universalist church, literally a month later.

Of course none of this stopped his political ambitions and he remained in his seat. When asked about it Democratic leadership did not respond for comment. Not a single member of their team condemned him or made any attempt to distance their party from him. When he was interviewed in the Patch in August they made no mention of his very recent criminal past. Instead he bragged about how he was the best candidate because he was homeless.

I’m the only Democrat running in this district who has experienced homelessness on two separate occasions in my past. I’m the only Democrat in my district that has a less than perfect past that is had to work hard to turn all of that around and leave a successful life. 

What were the differences between him and the other 2 democrats on the ballot?

Well does 3 three Democrats running in my district and as far as I know there was no Republican challenge. The differences between myself and my fellow Democrats running is I am the youngest out of the pack I am the only Democrat running in my district that is LGBT and the first openly transgender female to ever be elected to a state office in the entire country.

He’s the youngest (38) and he claims to be a woman despite making no attempt to look like one. This pitch was all Democrats needed to hear to vote for him again.

But what the Democratic Party intentionally kept secret was that in July a victim received a restraining order against Mrs. Cloutfire. He went on to violate that order by contacting and stalking the victim, and was arrested for that in September. And then on election day he contacted the victim AGAIN, leading to his arrest yesterday.

A Nashua Democrat, with several prior arrests, is in trouble with the law again after being accused of at least two incidents of stalking in nearby Hudson. State Rep. Stacie Marie Laughton, 38, was arrested by Nashua police on Saturday on a warrant out of Hudson on a violation of stalking order charge. She is being held in the Valley Street Jail in Manchester. Limited information is available about the case. But Lt. Roger Lamarche, the second shift commander of the Hudson Police Department, confirmed the arrest and charge. Laughton was accused by police of communicating with the victim on social media on Nov. 8. The protective order was filed against Laughton, who also serves as a city selectman, on July 25. According to Lamarche, this was not the first time Laughton was arrested on charges for communicating with the victim. She was accused of stalking and harassment in late August and was arrested in early September

This is the sad sate of our politics right now. People are so tribal that they would gladly vote for a mentally unstable, and extremely dangerous sexual deviant with a long criminal record, simply because they find that preferable to voting for a member of the opposition party. They will literally vote for a man who calls in bomb threats to hospital, commits credit card larceny, and stalks abuse victims who have restraining order outs on him. Remember this the next time they pretend to care about “country over party,” or “character.” Remember this the next time they tell you that refusing to vote for someone like this means you are a “threat to democracy.”


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