No One Suspects Anything After Drug Addicted New Hampshire Parents Don’t Report Missing 5 Year Old Boy Elijah Lewis For 6 Months

A 5 year old boy from Merrimack, NH named Elijah Lewis has been missing for 6 months, and his mother and her boyfriend who never reported him missing were arrested without him in the Bronx yesterday after police put out a bulletin looking for them.
Many are asking the obvious question – how does a boy going missing for 6 months and nobody reports him missing? Well, apparently Danielle has a total of 6 kids, including a new born who was born addicted to drugs. Her oldest three kids are not her in custody, but her younger three were, and the newborn triggered the DCYF investigation into the current location of Elijah. She apparently graduated from the Kate Peter School of Parenting and told family members that she didn’t feel like raising him anymore so she shipped him off to California to be with his sister.
“Danielle is a known drug user and also goes ‘missing’ for months at a time when using. She has 6 total children. Three of her children have lived with their fathers since they were infants. Her young daughter and newborn with Joseph are placed with DCYF within the last week. Elijah is the only child of hers that is currently missing and not safe. Joseph is not Eli’s father. … He was last seen over 6 months ago. No daycare or school. She is a stay at home Mom. Jo worked full-time as a Manager at a thrift store and was out of the home 6 days a week almost 12 hours a day.”
This was not abnormal behavior for her as she had given up her rights to her three other children previously. Elijah was only just placed in Danielle’s care on May 27th, 2020 when his father sent him on a plane from Arizona.
This poor kid was a ping pong ball between two shitty parents on opposite ends of the country. But how does a kid not go to school for 6 months and nobody notices? How do aunts and grandparents not see this kid for 6 months and not realize something was going on? They knew she was a ratchet and a junk pump who gets arrested on warrants for stealing in order to fuel her habits.
And they just took her word for it? Didn’t bother to call the family in California to confirm? Smart.
According to MJ Morrison it was “so common” for Danielle to give up her kids that no one questioned her story.
“Please do not say everyone failed There were many of us who tried to help Danielle. I begged her to let me help her with Elijah when she was stressed out with him. She wouldn’t allow anyone to come to the home and would go MIA. As she was on drugs and hiding another pregnancy. She told me she had DCYF involved and that they had services started for him and that he was going with her sister. She was just waiting on the paperwork to be signed and he was on his way to her. Danielle giving up her children was so common that none of us questioned her plan.”
Maybe next time alert child services the second she can’t produce one of her litter of children.
This is the new baby daddy Jo with no E Stapf.
As you can see he brags about being sober for 3 weeks and has a chin strap, so he naturally Danielle decided that he would be the ideal candidate to procreate with.
He’s also got that “disease” that makes him break into people’s homes and steal their jewelry despite having warrants out for his arrest.
A month before that arrest he broke into another home with his previous junkbox girlfriend Stephanie Kenyon, who has quite the Google trophy display herself, including attempted murder charges and sporadic periods of incarceration.
They caught Jo after he was seen trying to break into more homes and gave the cops someone else’s ID. When that person was summonsed to court the cop realized he had fallen for the ol’ switcheroo.
Just a “minor weak slippity slip.”
No big deal.
Meanwhile he’s suddenly come into possession of a bunch of air conditioners that he’s selling on Facebook.
That’s normal, and not at all indicative of burglary.
They were living with his Mom Joanne, who somehow didn’t ask any questions about the missing boy either.
Meanwhile on Facebook Jo with no E and Danielle have been posting about how in love they are and the future they planned to have together breaking into homes to fuel their drug habits.
A New Hampshire lover story if I’ve ever seen one.
Since Elijah was last seen Danielle has also been posting pictures on Facebook of the two kids she decided to hang onto and bragging about what a great baby daddy Chucky Chinstrap is.
Before getting arrested yesterday I saw this post on his Facebook page because he was tagged in it by one of his friends.
That post is now gone from his page, which means he removed the tag before getting arrested.
Oh, and two years ago his brother Dylan Sanford also went missing and is rumored to have been murdered.
Sadly there is almost no chance Elijah is alive. Once again the system completely failed him because they were too concerned about making sure non-missing kids were wearing masks in school than they were about an actual missing child with two junkie parents, and nobody asked any questions. This poor kid never had a chance.
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