North Brookfield Woman Wants Someone To Assassinate Donald Trump Because He’s Coming For Her And Her Daughters

This is Angela Germain from North Brookfield.
As you can imagine, yesterday was a tough day for her. Ya see, the person she wanted to win the presidential election ended up losing, but instead of just changing her profile picture to a safety pin like they did 8 years ago when this happened the last time, she decided to go on Facebook and post about how she hopes the 47th President is assassinated.
But not like the fake assassination over the summer where Donald Trump paid a lone gunman to shoot his ear. She wants a REAL assassination attempt that doesn’t miss the target time! Ya see, Angela has no choice because Donald Trump is coming for her AND her daughters. He said it in his inauguration address:
“There’s a white woman in North Brookfield, Massachusetts who loves Disney and drag queens. In order to make America great again she MUST be eliminated!”
It’s basically self defense. She has no choice but to orchestrate a hit on the President or else he will murder her whole family, or something.
Anyway, when I saw that Germain Fonda posted something like this it would be because she had nothing to lose. Everyone knows that you can’t be posting death threats at the President if you have a legitimate job, because that’s the quickest way to lose your job. But apparently she/her is an experienced insurance professional who works at Unum as a Lead Benefit Specialist. And her husband is a Brookfield firefighter.
His shirt is just….perfect.
Look, I wasn’t exactly happy when Joe Biden was elected in 2020. But at the end of the day I’m not gonna allow my happiness or mental health to be dependent on the winner of an election. I just paid less attention to politics and was a lot happier for it. If you want something to be outraged about be outraged by the fact that the State Police have covered up two murders in one town and no one from the Governor or AG’s Office is doing anything about it.
To be clear, Angela doesn’t actually believe that Trump is coming for her or her daughters. She’s not that stupid. She just knows that these sort of threatening posts were socially acceptable during the first Trump administration because it’s OK to want Trump to be killed because he’s “literally Hitler.” Let’s see how that works out for her.
Anyway, if there’s anyone the government is “coming for,” it’s me, Karen Read, and anyone else who dares questions the McAlbert mafia and their police protectors. But you don’t see me making posts about assassinating Michael Morrissey, even though he literally sent men with guns to my house and put me in jail for 60 days. This is a democracy, and if you don’t like what your leaders are doing the appropriate response is to protest them and make your voices heard at the polls. Grow up, Angela.

I feel bad for her husband. It must suck being married to a woman who is obsessed with faggotry.
Why would that anger the husband? He looks neckfat-deep in faggotry.
i wish this site had a like button. neckfat deep in faggotry is gold
i wish it had a like button to like you’s and stan’s comment.
Such a gorgeous trans!
Her husband is a turd as well
Tell me more
Good handle btw
Her husband Thomas is exactly like her, a nasty vulgar progressive TDS sufferer
Tell me more
Shut the fuck up you old hag walk your ass inside with your saggy tits you old hoe your granddaughter is a furry with a tail. Be quiet u old fuck
you mad, bruh?
Liberalism IS a mental disorder. Now she’s humiliated her whole family.
You have no idea. This idiot bitch could fuck up a wet dream.
hahaha couldnt have said it better my self
Do you, Catpiss McFranzia, take this no-chin, neckfat-goateed public carbuncle to be your co-habitating Disney Adult for as long as you both shall leech?
Are her daughters biological boys that she dresses as Disney princesses ???
Good question
No, I’m not a boy. Are you just mad that she has more fun than you and she has bank to take her children to Disney unlike some of you old bitches???
“she has bank?” (illiterate comment). no doubt her by her trans daughter.
Angry fat Karens like her are never fun.
How much “bank” from the unemployment line???
There has to be a pic of her with her covid mask on.
And blue, purple or green hair
They always look like this
I don’t if I’m more disgusted by her limp dick husband, her stupid ideas or her ugly face but hell should be unleashed on her employer until she is fired. That’s how the dems want it, right?
Awwww he doesn’t like the politician you voted for? What a sad sad story. News flash for ya: Trump is just like the rest of ‘em, politicians are corrupt and he’s just not that into you 😂
Yikes people are crazy!
I agree Dr. Turtleboy!! TDS is a real issue and it’s usually caused by the mis and disinformation that the main stream media puts out! Just one correction…We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC! And a democracy 2nd. Lol
Her husband needs to take that dusty hose out ànd look for a new spark.
I bet she smells like rancid mayonnaise and sour milk “down there”
So apparently to a select few, a death threat and call to an assassination of a president is protected under free speech? Yea? See how well that went for the FV last month….
It’s technically protected because the government can’t prosecute her for it. That doesn’t mean there are not consequences outside of the government, like some schmuch doxxing her and her husband so all his rabid fans can take matters in their own hands. Displaying her employer also pretty much guarantees she’ll lose her job. What a system.
Calling for the assassination of a sitting president is not protected free speech you idiot.
Thanks prof, you’re 100% correct I was literally just guessing because I thought you all hated fact-checkers 😂
Adults who are obsessed with Disney. Need I say more?
I hope she gets all her booster shots and succumbs to aids along with her fat fuck husband.
I do not even know how I ended up here but I thought this post was great.
An AI algorithm brought you here because it knows what gets you fired up. All this means you are boring and predictable.
So for the Trumpers that are wetting their pants right now hoping she goes to jail, this is not illegal. She didn’t make a direct threat. Is it in poor taste? Of course. But I get where she’s coming from… He IS taking away women’s rights and that’s why she says, “He’s coming for her and her daughters”. She means figuratively not literally. It’s funny how TB is all about “free speech” until it’s against something he believes in….I know when I saw that guy who planted the evidence in the KR trial, people were saying they were glad he died, how is that any different? This is why Trumpers are cult like. I’m almost fairly certain Trump has threatened MANY people, is that ok?
Hi Angela!
Just tell us what shade of blue your hair is lol!
The liberal white women is very ugly.
They carry themselves like a princess and then bellow like a bovine beast.
They have no elegance, beauty or clean style to them.
They truly over-estimate their value.
Goofy, low-iq, liberal white bishes would be the death of America…. until Trumpus Magnus became the cure.
I’m not coming for you, dear. But my casting couch is always open for you AND your daughters.
The suburban, white, college educated women are the worst voting block and the dumbest you’ll ever meet.
Well, she not unhinged at all huh? Good Lord, I know firefighters break balls as much as any organization on earth. Please guys, get to work.
This is typical Leftist behavior though. I’m as pro-Trump as you can be but I just thought Biden was an awful President. I mean the worst one we’ve ever had but I still felt a little sad every time he tripped and fell. Jesus, lady… get a grip.
most fire fighters sit around the fire house eating sausages and shinning their helmets.
most fire fighters were john kerry supporters in yellow t shirts. fire fighters are chubby liberal simps riding the coat tails of masculine pre 1990 fire fighters. plump soy boy faggotry hiding behind their job titles
My nipples tingle just looking at 90s fire fighters mustache.
Of course ‘they’ are a disney couple. What are the odds?!!
Why is “they” in quotations? Two people have been “they” forever, it’s just plural.
The libtards have taught us that the process is the punishment. She doesn’t need to be charged, just investigated, maybe to the point of bankruptcy. Too bad, but better safe than sorry…
Riiiiight because she poses such a serious threat. It’s amazing to see how ya’ll are using all that pent up anger. Nuthin but a bunch of unsexed blocked up pimple sacked little boys.
Wow, way to speak truth to power here Ninja Turtle. Couldn’t even get through the “article” without pointing out that you’re a victim. Real thick skin shown here by a self proclaimed first amendment advocate.
Aidan Tierny, the 40+ man named boy demonstrating his loneliness and insecurity daily for us all to watch. I mean the guy takes bathroom selfies with duck lips… does it get any grosser 😂
Liberal here! Super entertained by the comments. Ya’ll are pretty obsessed with liberals 😂 just a heads up the we don’t think about you as much as you think about us. To liberals, your kind is just simple folk, not really worth our anger. I hope you all find some peace now that your politician won.
Trump is the best president ever.
Liberals are all mental cases. As seen in the above comments.
Unbunch your panties Skyler
I just cant get enough Disney hype in my life…… said no well adjusted adult ever,
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im terrified of pedo hunter vigilantes as a being a minor attracted person that shouldnt be a crime hunter and joe biden werent punished for child molesting. i hate president donald j trump because he reminds me of what a meaningless dull failure i am. i failed in gym class and academics and now i fail as an obese adult on disability i have no legacy except for all my dominos pizza reward points.
Keep your chins up fella!
I stand with Angela! So bold! So brave!