Poor Behavior

North Smithfield Man Blames Victim, Seeks Pity, Starts GoFundMe After Putting Tracking Device In Ex-Fiance’s Car, Stealing Her Credit Card, Blowing Up His Leg With Fireworks


Editor’s Note: Steven says he wants to come on the live show to share his side of the story. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel and tune in at 9 to watch.

This is Steven Scarpelli from North Smithfield, RI.

The world’s oldest 33 year old man.

On the 4th of July weekend he got wasted and lit an illegal mortar off his knee, which blew up and sent him to the hospital. He immediately started a GoFundMe for himself, even though TDI would’ve paid for 30 weeks of care, and the incident was entirely preventable and 100% his fault.


Five days later his then fiance Sarah discovered a tracking device in her car that he had installed, found out that he had been stalking her every move since October, and had him charged.

A man who kept tabs on his ex-girlfriend for months via a GPS tracking system installed in her vehicle was charged for the offense by Burrillville police on Friday, July 9. Steven Scarpelli, 33, of North Smithfield, is facing a misdemeanor charge of electronic tracking of motor vehicles after his ex, a 45-year-old Harrisville woman, brought the device to police. According to the arrest report, the victim told police she believed Scarpelli had installed the device and was told to have an auto body shop locate the tracker.

“While having this done, the auto body shop received a call from Mr. Scarpelli,” who otherwise did not know where the victim was, the report notes. “He threatened the shop not to remove the tracker from the vehicle.”

Police reportedly sent an administrative subpoena to parent company MyCar and confirmed the tracker had been activated by Scarpelli in November of last year. According to police, the company provided roughly 600 pages of data showing thousands of inquiries into the location of the victim’s vehicle. Officers obtained a recorded confession from Scarpelli and he was issued a summons to appear in 6th District Court on Tuesday, Aug. 3. At the appearance, Scarpelli was released with a $1,000 person recognizance and a no contact order with the victim. The Rhode Island Criminal database shows that the suspect’s past charges include violation of a no contact order, domestic vandalism, domestic assault, refusal to relinquish a telephone and domestic violence.

The victim became aware of the tracking device after he bragged about it to mutual friends while he was drunk, so she brought it to an auto body shop. Steven was sitting in his hospital room watching where her car was going (because he’s a psychopath), realized they would find the device, and called the shop up threatening to sue them if they searched the vehicle:

This gave himself away because she never mentioned going to an auto body shop and there was nothing wrong with the car, so he would have no idea that she was there. But they searched it anyway, found the device, realized he had over 90,000 inquiries as to where she had been, and even hid a camera in her home.

This was not his first time doing something like this either. Steven Scarpelli has a collection of Google trophies from around Rhode Island for domestic violence, violating a no contact order, DUI, disorderly conduct, driving on a suspended license, simple assault, vandalism, embezzlement, and more.



His fiance was stuck in the never ending cycle of an abusive relationship, and filmed some of his erratic behavior. Here he is getting out of his car to try to fight another driver in traffic.

In February he got upset with her so he broke her glasses and tore her necklace off during a domestic incident.

He then stole her car, drove to his friend Kyle’s house, and she called the police.

But he wasn’t arrested.

Like many abusers he sent her flowers the next day and told her how much he loved her.

That should fix it.

Now that he is no longer welcome with her, Steven lives with his parents and his morbidly obese 10 year old son, whose undiagnosed mental health issues remain untreated.

His father has done nothing for this child despite threats to steal guns and shoot himself during school in front of other kids. She reportedly has woken up to him in her bedroom watching her sleep, and his Tik Toks are disturbing.

That kid needs serious help. He was completely normal looking as a little boy, but years of neglect and two ratchet parents who let him eat horribly resulted in this.

He also has a daughter who he hasn’t cared for in years, and recently decided to be her Dad again, which he bragged about on Facebook.

Despite the fact that he was in the news for being charged as a stalker and shamelessly raised a few thousand dollars he didn’t need off an injury that was completely his fault, Steven still has been posting on Facebook as if he is the victim, blaming his ex-fiance for leaving him, going to Aquapalooza, buying new Chevy Blazers while crying poverty, and riding around on a motorcycle.


He’s constantly whining that the woman he abused and stalked for months didn’t feel like sticking around to give him sponge baths while he collects, buys new toys, and pretends to be a loving father.

Steven is a textbook narcissist. The narcissist always deflects blame away from themselves and towards their victim, often blaming them for being a sociopath, and gaslights by making up blatantly untrue things about them in order to justify their own behavior.

The narcissist always feels the need to write things on social media about how well their life is going as a result of getting rid of the person they were abusing, presenting themselves as overcoming unfair adversity.

The victim blocked her abusive ex, which caused one of his other baby mamas to reach out to her and ask her to unblock him.

Since she blocked Steven he attempted to engage her in conversation by sending her $20 on Venmo with a message, telling her that she was the only one who could help him.

Which is what narcissists always do – tell their victims that they are the cause of their problems and the only person who can fix them. It’s just a tactic they use to manipulate your feelings in order to engage you in a conversation you don’t want to take part in.

In text messages after she found the tracking device he attempted to make her feel bad about leaving him while he was in the hospital from blowing up his own leg. He admitted to putting the camera in their house and the tracking device in the vehicle, and tried to get her to feel sorry for him by apologizing and telling her what a loser he is.

The victim had to get a restraining order as well once she noticed that he was showing up wherever she was. She even caught him outside of her house.

He checked in on IG at the place she was at the night before, knowing it would get back to her.

While he was laid up in the hospital she also discovered that he had stolen her credit card and racked up a bill for it.

When she had him charged, dumped him, and began ignoring him he tried reaching out to her Mom with his usual pathetic sob story.

Be a bigger cuck. You can’t. Here’s an idea – if you don’t want your fiance to leave you while you’re in the hospital then don’t blow your own leg up in the first place.

However, despite being a domestic abusing scam artist who mooches off his girlfriends, blows up his own legs, doesn’t take care of his kids, and stalks women he lives with, Steven still has his supporters. Meet Kim Hawkins.

As you can see, she appears to be married. Nevertheless she is now in love with the completely bald, self pitying domestic abuser.

Tell me you have Daddy issues without telling me you have Daddy issues.

Steven’s first baby momma (the 10 year old boy’s mom) is a real gem herself, but we don’t have time to get into her. However, he cheated on that one with their nanny Amanda Becker (Gagne), and impregnated her with the daughter he never sees.

She doesn’t like him, but for whatever reason Amanda has decided to defend his honor up and down every Facebook page where the story of his arrest was posted, making up nonsense about how the car is in his name (it’s not) and that it came with a tracking device installed (it didn’t).

“It came with a theft tracking device.”

Except Steven himself told the victim that he put it there.


Oh, and a recently created account called Jill Hunt, which totally is NOT Steven, messaged the victim with a picture of him and another woman.

Steven Scarpelli is still active on his Facebook page and has many supporters backing him up while blaming his victim. Each and every one of these people are garbage and should be ashamed to wake up and look at themselves in the mirror. Victims are afraid to come forward because they know that many will not believe them. But in this case there is undeniable evidence of his guilt, which he admitted himself. If Steven or any of his supporters want to come on the Live show tonight or this weekend they are more welcome to message me on Facebook at Clarence Woods Emerson, or email [email protected].


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