
Online Mob Refuses To Accept Apology From Bushel N Peck Owner For Kamala Harris Joke Posted In Comments Section Under Facebook Meme


Last week Michael Bartosiewicz, the owner of Bushel n Peck, which has stores in Worcester and Grafton, made a joke about Kamala Harris being nominated as Joe Biden’s VP running mate on a random Facebook page, and social justice warriors were not happy about it.


Uh muh God, a joke!!!  And a somewhat accurate one at that. Even Snopes doesn’t deny the fact that Kamala Harris slept with a married a man named Willie Brown who then appointed her to two political positions she likely would not have gotten otherwise.

Harris did date former San Francisco Mayor and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown for a period of time between 1994 to 1995. In his capacity as speaker, Brown appointed her to two political posts — first to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, and then to the Medical Assistance Commission.

In fairness, she may have just stuck to traditional vaginal sexual intercourse and skipped over the oral portion. Doubtful, but still possible. Either way, it’s a comment under a meme. Everything is going to be OK. I’m a Trump supporter who can fully admit that Melania Trump did not become First Lady because the President is attracted to her personality. It’s just the way of the world. If you’re an attractive young woman willing to do what you gotta do, the world is your oyster. Plus the owner looks like he’s the kind of guy who likes to mix it up and let his guard down a little.

Since when did the left become so anti-fun?

He ended up posting this apology after finding out the Interwebz was faux mad at him.

This guy’s a boomer so he hasn’t figured out how to deal with an Internet mob yet, and thus his Facebook page is wide open. And one thing he learned (if he’s even monitoring his page, which it appears he is not) from all of this is that you never apologize to an Internet outrage mob. No matter what you say it will be insufficient. That’s where this guy came in.

Does bootleg Dan Margolis look like the kind of guy who will accept an apology at face value and agree that everyone makes mistakes? Nope. Dan Cusher is from Grafton, and he isn’t interested in Bartosiewicz’ apology because it would mean that Trump supporters are human beings worthy of forgiveness. There is literally nothing that could be said which would please him.

Imagine spending your entire day pretending to be outraged by a comment under a meme made by a guy who sells Italian grinders and chicken salad? Imagine caring what some random guy thinks about Kamala Harris simply because he owns a sandwich shop in your town? Imagine thinking that the owner somehow owes you a followup explanation because you found his apology lacking? Must be exhausting.

In fairness, he was far from the only one whose feelz were damaged by the comment under the meme.

It was a meme.

Trust me, it will take a lot longer for his business to go down than it did for Camel Toe Harris to go down.


“You should spend time in the pillory.”

He’s not even kidding. This is literally what they want, and even that wouldn’t be enough. Although in fairness, it does sound kinky. Just sayin.

Yea, I’m sure Carmela Harris is sitting by the phone waiting for her apology from the guy who owns Bushel n Peck.

“Even worse, his female employees are OK with it. Supporting a man to get ahead.”

  1. Agreed, women shouldn’t be allowed to think independently and must pretend to be as outraged as you are by a harmless joke.
  2. His employees make sandwiches at Bushel n Peck. If they’re pretending to be OK with it in order to “get ahead,” then they’re doing it wrong.

Oh God, it’s the “muh consequences” people. What exactly would that be? A few days of Internet outrage from people who never stepped foot in one of his businesses to begin with? Hope he makes it.

Yes, he should take some time off and “reflect” on his deep sin of making fun of a public figure on Facebook. This is very serious, and the only way to fix it is to stop working and dwell on it every day.

Again, none of these people are really offended by his comment. The guy they’re voting for in November just gave a serious sit down interview with Cardi B, a woman who admitted to drugging guys who paid her for sex so she could rob them, and recently put out a song entitled, “Wet Ass Pussy.” I assure you these people aren’t actually offended by anything. They’re just tribal and decided long ago that anyone who isn’t on their team has to be destroyed. The only thing this guy did wrong was apologize.


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